Is it possible to use ogg format?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • zutokaza,
    there is no library in kolibri neither to demux ogg container nor to decode any codec inside it. Are you interested in implementing such demuxer and decoder libraries? As for me, it is not difficult from algorithmic point of view and looks more like to an architectural problem: you should properly design different demuxers in libdemux, decoders in libcodec and interfaces between libdemux, libcodec and an application to allow both local file and network playback, seeking etc.

    As a first codec inside ogg container I would choose flac, because it is simpler to decode than vorbis and opus.

    Here are
  • Here is player FPlay viewtopic.php?f=38&t=1277 , which support ogg, but AFAIK it was written not in asm
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