KolibriOS Startup time

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Hello,

    To change this, it's necessary to mess with the values in kernel/boot/preboot.inc and reassemble kernel.asm
    I believe setting display_atboot to 2 will do the trick.
    Another option would be to decrease the value of preboot_timeout.
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • hidnplayr wrote:Hello,

    To change this, it's necessary to mess with the values in kernel/boot/preboot.inc and reassemble kernel.asm
    I believe setting display_atboot to 2 will do the trick.
    Another option would be to decrease the value of preboot_timeout.
    CleverMouse has already done a special branch for this: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=63&start=90
    An old version is available here: http://ftp.kolibrios.org/users/CleverMouse/kolibri-cfg/
    New version can be defined as auto-build (you just need to setup auto-build script for this).
    Readme file (sadly only in Russian): http://websvn.kolibrios.org/filedetails ... loader.txt
    You should edit config.ini and make timeout=0 (then blue screen will be skipped).
  • Wael wrote:(In the first blue screen showing "wait 5 seconds before automatical continuation" although the word "automatical" don't exist in English!)
    So we should fix it. Please, provide correct translation.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Leency wrote:Please, provide correct translation.
    buyerninety wrote: " and it will continue booting"
  • I have changed it to "or wait 5 seconds to continue automatically". SVN #4694
    The offtopic discussion was moved to offtopic forum: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2635
  • Hi,
    I've got a trunk archive of a kernel and can't get it working like this:
    >>To change this, it's necessary to mess with the values in kernel/boot/preboot.inc and reassemble kernel.asm
    >>I believe setting display_atboot to 2 will do the trick.
    >>Another option would be to decrease the value of preboot_timeout.

    I'm trying to set timeout to 0, then compile the project with KoS FASM, it provides me a new kernel.mnt file which is twice as big as old one, and doesn't skip blue screen, and restart feature doesn't work (it stucks). What am I doing wrong?
  • Доброго дня, CleverMouse, я могу и по-русски.
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