Delphi SDK для Колибри

High-level languages programming questions
  • //DG wrote:Ок, и между модулями работает. Скриншоты нннада?
    Map-файла будет достаточно.
  • Freeman wrote:
    //DG wrote:Ок, и между модулями работает. Скриншоты нннада?
    Map-файла будет достаточно.
    Пожалуйста. (А с фига ли extension map is not allowed на форуме?)
    hello_map.txt (9.03 KiB)
    Downloaded 660 times
  • Ну попробовал я эту вашу omf2d. После неё у меня LD чем-то недоволен.

    Code: Select all

    Program Project1;
      Dword = Cardinal;
      hConsole: Pointer;
      ConsoleInit:       Procedure(WndWidth, WndHeight, ScrWidth, ScrHeight: Dword; Caption: PChar); StdCall;
      ConsoleExit:       Procedure(bCloseWindow: Cardinal); StdCall;
      Write:             Procedure(Str: PChar); StdCall;
      ConsoleSetCaption: Procedure(Const Caption: PChar); StdCall;
      GetCh:             Function: Char; StdCall;
      GetS:              Function(Buffer: PChar; Count: Cardinal): PChar; StdCall;
      printf:            Function(Const Format: PChar): Integer; CDecl VarArgs;
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
      Procedure Main; Forward;
      Function  CreateFile(Path: PChar): Integer; StdCall; Forward;
      Function  RunFile(Path, Params: PChar): Integer; StdCall; Forward;
      Procedure ThreadTerminate; Forward;
      Function  LoadLibrary(Path: PChar): Pointer; StdCall; Forward;
      Function  GetProcAddress(hLib: Pointer; ProcName: PChar): Pointer; StdCall; Forward;
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Procedure Main();
       i: Cardinal;
       S: array[1..100] of char;
       hConsole          := LoadLibrary('/sys/lib/console.obj');
       ConsoleInit       := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_init');
       ConsoleExit       := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_exit');
       Write             := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_write_asciiz');
       ConsoleSetCaption := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_set_title');
       GetCh             := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_getch');
       GetS              := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_gets');
       printf            := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_printf');
       ConsoleInit($FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF, 'Test');
       Write('Enter something:');
       GetS(@S, 30);
       Write('You entered:');
       Write('Press key to see printf output'#10#10);
       printf('Characters: %c %c '#10, 'a', 65);
       printf('Decimals: %d %ld'#10, 1977, 650000);
       printf('Preceding with blanks: %10d'#10, 1977);
       printf('Preceding with zeros: %010d'#10, 1977);
       printf('Some different radices: %d %x %o %#x %#o '#10, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100);
       printf('Width trick: %*d'#10, 5, 10);
       printf('%s'#10, 'A string');
       printf('Do you want to create new file?(enter "y" if yes)'#10);
       If GetCh() = 'y' Then
         printf('Enter file path then:');
         GetS(@S, 100);
         i := 0; While s[i] <> #10 Do Inc(i); s[i] := #0;
         If CreateFile(@S) = 0 Then
           printf('File created.'#10)
           printf('CreateFile Error!'#10);
         printf('You do not want to create new file.'#10);
       printf('Maybe you need a calc?(enter "y" if yes)'#10);
       If GetCh() = 'y' Then
         RunFile('/sys/calc', '')
         printf('You do not need a calc.'#10);
       printf('Do you want to set a new caption?(enter "y" if yes)'#10);
       If GetCh() = 'y' Then
         printf('Enter new caption then:');
         GetS(@S, 100);
         i := 0; While s[i] <> #10 Do Inc(i); s[i] := #0;
         printf('You do not want to set a new caption.');
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Procedure ThreadTerminate();
            mov    eax, $FFFFFFFF;
            int    64
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function CreateFile(Path: PChar): Integer;
            push   ebx
            push   Path
            dec    esp
            mov    byte[esp], 0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   2
            mov    ebx, esp
            mov    eax, 70
            int    64
            add    esp, 25
            pop    ebx
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function RunFile(Path, Params: PChar): Integer;
            push   ebx
            push   Path
            dec    esp
            mov    byte [esp], 0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   Params
            push   0
            push   7
            mov    ebx, esp
            mov    eax, 70
            int    64
            add    esp, 25
            pop    ebx
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function GetProcAddress(hLib: Pointer; ProcName: PChar): Pointer;
            push   esi
            push   edi
            push   ebx
            mov    edx, hLib
            xor    eax, eax
            test   edx, edx
            jz     @end
            mov    edi, ProcName
            mov    ecx, $FFFFFFFF
            repne scasb
            mov    ebx, ecx
            not    ebx
            mov    esi, [edx]
            test   esi, esi
            jz     @end
            mov    ecx, ebx
            mov    edi, ProcName
            add    edx, 8
            repe cmpsb
            jne    @next
            mov    eax, [edx - 4]
            pop    ebx
            pop    edi
            pop    esi
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function LoadLibrary(Path: PChar): Pointer;
            push   ebx
            mov    eax, 68
            mov    ebx, 19
            mov    ecx, Path
            int    64
            pop    ebx
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Begin Main; End.
    Я вот это просто задефайнил, чтобы линкер не ругался на их отсутствие:

    Code: Select all

    dcc32 -J project1.dpr

    Borland Delphi Version 15.0
    Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
    183 lines, 0.01 seconds, 1638 bytes code, 32 bytes data.

    omf2d project1.obj

    OMF2D 1.01 converts 32bit OMF to Delphi linkable OMF
    Copyright (C) 2003 Radim Picha,
    Converting "project1.obj" to "project1.obj"

    link -edit project1.obj

    Microsoft (R) COFF Binary File Editor Version 5.12.8078
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

    project1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF

    LINK : warning LNK4041: no edit options specified

    ld -T LScript.x project1.obj -o project1.kex

    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x62c): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x5ec): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x5b3): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x58b): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x564): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x55c): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `@Finalization'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x604): multiple definition of `@Finalization'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    А тем извращенским способом viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2318#p66300 приложение запускается и работает, результат — это вот:
    Подобное в принципе можно собрать и FreePascal-ем, и Delphi2(только она VarArgs не понимает, и Cardinal там на самом деле 31-битный — в некоторых случаях достаточно просто заменить на Integer).
    Я думаю, другую тему завести, про Delphi\FreePascal с примерами и обёртками.
  • 0CodErr wrote:Ну попробовал я эту вашу omf2d. После неё у меня LD чем-то недоволен.

    Code: Select all

    Program Project1;
      Dword = Cardinal;
      hConsole: Pointer;
      ConsoleInit:       Procedure(WndWidth, WndHeight, ScrWidth, ScrHeight: Dword; Caption: PChar); StdCall;
      ConsoleExit:       Procedure(bCloseWindow: Cardinal); StdCall;
      Write:             Procedure(Str: PChar); StdCall;
      ConsoleSetCaption: Procedure(Const Caption: PChar); StdCall;
      GetCh:             Function: Char; StdCall;
      GetS:              Function(Buffer: PChar; Count: Cardinal): PChar; StdCall;
      printf:            Function(Const Format: PChar): Integer; CDecl VarArgs;
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
      Procedure Main; Forward;
      Function  CreateFile(Path: PChar): Integer; StdCall; Forward;
      Function  RunFile(Path, Params: PChar): Integer; StdCall; Forward;
      Procedure ThreadTerminate; Forward;
      Function  LoadLibrary(Path: PChar): Pointer; StdCall; Forward;
      Function  GetProcAddress(hLib: Pointer; ProcName: PChar): Pointer; StdCall; Forward;
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Procedure Main();
       i: Cardinal;
       S: array[1..100] of char;
       hConsole          := LoadLibrary('/sys/lib/console.obj');
       ConsoleInit       := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_init');
       ConsoleExit       := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_exit');
       Write             := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_write_asciiz');
       ConsoleSetCaption := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_set_title');
       GetCh             := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_getch');
       GetS              := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_gets');
       printf            := GetProcAddress(hConsole, 'con_printf');
       ConsoleInit($FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF, 'Test');
       Write('Enter something:');
       GetS(@S, 30);
       Write('You entered:');
       Write('Press key to see printf output'#10#10);
       printf('Characters: %c %c '#10, 'a', 65);
       printf('Decimals: %d %ld'#10, 1977, 650000);
       printf('Preceding with blanks: %10d'#10, 1977);
       printf('Preceding with zeros: %010d'#10, 1977);
       printf('Some different radices: %d %x %o %#x %#o '#10, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100);
       printf('Width trick: %*d'#10, 5, 10);
       printf('%s'#10, 'A string');
       printf('Do you want to create new file?(enter "y" if yes)'#10);
       If GetCh() = 'y' Then
         printf('Enter file path then:');
         GetS(@S, 100);
         i := 0; While s[i] <> #10 Do Inc(i); s[i] := #0;
         If CreateFile(@S) = 0 Then
           printf('File created.'#10)
           printf('CreateFile Error!'#10);
         printf('You do not want to create new file.'#10);
       printf('Maybe you need a calc?(enter "y" if yes)'#10);
       If GetCh() = 'y' Then
         RunFile('/sys/calc', '')
         printf('You do not need a calc.'#10);
       printf('Do you want to set a new caption?(enter "y" if yes)'#10);
       If GetCh() = 'y' Then
         printf('Enter new caption then:');
         GetS(@S, 100);
         i := 0; While s[i] <> #10 Do Inc(i); s[i] := #0;
         printf('You do not want to set a new caption.');
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Procedure ThreadTerminate();
            mov    eax, $FFFFFFFF;
            int    64
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function CreateFile(Path: PChar): Integer;
            push   ebx
            push   Path
            dec    esp
            mov    byte[esp], 0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   2
            mov    ebx, esp
            mov    eax, 70
            int    64
            add    esp, 25
            pop    ebx
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function RunFile(Path, Params: PChar): Integer;
            push   ebx
            push   Path
            dec    esp
            mov    byte [esp], 0
            push   0
            push   0
            push   Params
            push   0
            push   7
            mov    ebx, esp
            mov    eax, 70
            int    64
            add    esp, 25
            pop    ebx
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function GetProcAddress(hLib: Pointer; ProcName: PChar): Pointer;
            push   esi
            push   edi
            push   ebx
            mov    edx, hLib
            xor    eax, eax
            test   edx, edx
            jz     @end
            mov    edi, ProcName
            mov    ecx, $FFFFFFFF
            repne scasb
            mov    ebx, ecx
            not    ebx
            mov    esi, [edx]
            test   esi, esi
            jz     @end
            mov    ecx, ebx
            mov    edi, ProcName
            add    edx, 8
            repe cmpsb
            jne    @next
            mov    eax, [edx - 4]
            pop    ebx
            pop    edi
            pop    esi
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Function LoadLibrary(Path: PChar): Pointer;
            push   ebx
            mov    eax, 68
            mov    ebx, 19
            mov    ecx, Path
            int    64
            pop    ebx
    (* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
    Begin Main; End.
    Я вот это просто задефайнил, чтобы линкер не ругался на их отсутствие:

    Code: Select all

    dcc32 -J project1.dpr

    Borland Delphi Version 15.0
    Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
    183 lines, 0.01 seconds, 1638 bytes code, 32 bytes data.

    omf2d project1.obj

    OMF2D 1.01 converts 32bit OMF to Delphi linkable OMF
    Copyright (C) 2003 Radim Picha,
    Converting "project1.obj" to "project1.obj"

    link -edit project1.obj

    Microsoft (R) COFF Binary File Editor Version 5.12.8078
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

    project1.obj : warning LNK4033: converting object format from OMF to COFF

    LINK : warning LNK4041: no edit options specified

    ld -T LScript.x project1.obj -o project1.kex

    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x62c): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x5ec): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x5b3): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x58b): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x564): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x55c): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `Project1'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x64c): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `@Finalization'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x604): multiple definition of `@Finalization'
    Project1.obj:project1.dpr:(.text+0x0): first defined here
    А тем извращенским способом viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2318#p66300 приложение запускается и работает, результат — это вот:
    Подобное в принципе можно собрать и FreePascal-ем, и Delphi2(только она VarArgs не понимает, и Cardinal там на самом деле 31-битный — в некоторых случаях достаточно просто заменить на Integer).
    Я думаю, другую тему завести, про Delphi\FreePascal с примерами и обёртками.
    А их надо было дефайнить иначе - инициализация и финализация referenceятся компилятором, их надо дефайнить в null. Можно было посмотреть мой пример:

    omf2d abc.obj abc2.obj /U- /U_* /CP@initialization$qqrv=@2junk /CP@Finalization$qqrv=@2junk2

    Если хочешь, я пришлю тебе пакет TinyPeInDelphi настроенный.
  • 0CodErr wrote: Я думаю, другую тему завести, про Delphi\FreePascal с примерами и обёртками.
    Решают сейчас проблему с субаллокатором для FPC. Пока изучаю ваши библиотеки, как вы работаете со своими obj/dll
  • А, еще вспомнил: при таком методе все строится на unitах, без program.
  • //DG wrote:при таком методе все строится на unitах, без program.
    Это похоже, что ключевой момент.

    А зачем мне TinyPeInDelphi? Я ведь делаю приложение под KolibriOS.
    //DG wrote:А их надо было дефайнить иначе - инициализация и финализация referenceятся компилятором, их надо дефайнить в null.
    Я в скрипте для линкера написал просто вот так:

    Code: Select all

    "@@Halt0"         = 0;
    "@@InitExe"       = 0;
    "@@HandleFinally" = 0;
    "@initialization" = 0;
    А в случае с FreePascal пришлось так:

    Code: Select all

    На Unit-ах попроще, конечно. Значит, буду делать Unit-ы с Main.