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Запутался с getaddrinfo на fasm

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:41 pm
by MagisterDjon
Доброго времени суток всем, Дело в том что хочу законектиться по сети. функция создания сокета работает, а вот функция getaddrinfo нехочет,программа завершается только мелькнув на сотую доли секунды.Вот как вызываю

Code: Select all

push esi
push 0
push 0
push url
call getaddrinfo
url db "http://адрес_сайта_допустим",0
в чем дело непойму, вызов функции копипаст, из исходников на сервере выцарапал.Импорт функции тоже копировал.

Re: Запутался с getaddrinfo на fasm

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:13 pm
by hidnplayr

Re: Запутался с getaddrinfo на fasm

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:19 pm
by MagisterDjon
Спасибо за ответ немного прояснилась ситуация,
В дебагере прошелся по программе, тормозит на загруженной функции,точнее ее там нет, видимо в загрузке чтото сделал не так.Вот код загрузки функции

Code: Select all

 stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
        test    eax, eax
        jnz     exit

library network, 'network.obj'
import  network,        \
        getaddrinfo,    'getaddrinfo'
может кто-нибудь поможет найти ошибку, может чтото упустил


Thanks for the answer a little clarified the situation,
In the debugger paced program, brakes on the loaded function, or rather it is not there, probably something in the boot did not tak.Vot boot code function

Code: Select all

stdcall dll.Load,IMPORT
         test eax, eax
         jnz exit

library network, 'network.obj'
import network, \
         getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo'
can anyone help find the error may have missed something

Re: Запутался с getaddrinfo на fasm

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:32 pm
by hidnplayr
Can you provide full code please?

Perhaps you forgot to init heap (mcall 68, 11)

Re: Запутался с getaddrinfo на fasm

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:44 pm
by MagisterDjon
Spoiler:format binary as "" ; Binary file format without extension

use32 ; Tell compiler to use 32 bit instructions

org 0x0 ; the base address of code, always 0x0

; The header

db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x01
dd I_END
dd 0x100000
dd 0x7fff0
dd 0, 0

; The code area

include ''
include ''
include ''
;purge mov
socket fix 75,0
getsockopt fix 75,9
START: ; start of execution
stdcall dll.Load,@IMPORT

call draw_window ; draw the window

; After the window is drawn, it's practical to have the main loop.
; Events are distributed from here.

mov eax, 10 ; function 10 : wait until event
mcall ; event type is returned in eax

cmp eax, 1 ; Event redraw request ?
je red ; Expl.: there has been activity on screen and
; parts of the applications has to be redrawn.

cmp eax, 2 ; Event key in buffer ?
je key ; Expl.: User has pressed a key while the
; app is at the top of the window stack.

cmp eax, 3 ; Event button in buffer ?
je button ; Expl.: User has pressed one of the
; applications buttons.

jmp event_wait

; The next section reads the event and processes data.

red: ; Redraw event handler
call draw_window ; We call the window_draw function and
jmp event_wait ; jump back to event_wait

key: ; Keypress event handler
mov eax, 2 ; The key is returned in ah. The key must be
mcall ; read and cleared from the system queue.
jmp event_wait ; Just read the key, ignore it and jump to event_wait.

button: ; Buttonpress event handler
mov eax,17 ; The button number defined in window_draw
mcall ; is returned to ah.

cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ?
jne noclose
mov eax,-1 ; Function -1 : close this program

jmp event_wait ; This is for ignored events, useful at development

; *********************************************
; *********************************************
; The static window parts are drawn in this function. The window canvas can
; be accessed later from any parts of this code (thread) for displaying
; processes or recorded data, for example.
; The static parts *must* be placed within the fn 12 , ebx = 1 and ebx = 2.

mov eax, 12 ; function 12: tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx, 1 ; 1, start of draw

mov eax, 0 ; function 0 : define and draw window
mov ebx, 100 * 65536 + 300 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx, 100 * 65536 + 120 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx, 0x14ffffff ; color of work area RRGGBB
; 0x02000000 = window type 4 (fixed size, skinned window)
mov esi, 0x808899ff ; color of grab bar RRGGBB
; 0x80000000 = color glide
mov edi, title
call connect

mov ebx, 25 * 65536 + 35 ; draw info text with function 4
mov ecx, 0x224466
mov edx, text
mov esi, 40
mov eax, 4

.newline: ; text from the DATA AREA

add ebx, 10
add edx, 40
cmp byte[edx], 0
jne .newline

mov eax, 12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx, 2 ; 2, end of draw

invoke getaddrinfo url 0 0 request
cmp eax,-1
je .error

mcall socket,AF_INETV4,SOCK_STREAM,0
cmp eax,-1
je .error

mov [socketnum],eax
mov ebx, 25 * 65536 + 75 ; draw info text with function 4
mov ecx, 0x224466
mov edx, ok
mov esi, 2
mov eax, 4


mov ebx, 25 * 65536 + 75 ; draw info text with function 4
mov ecx, 0x224466
mov edx, error
mov esi, 5
mov eax, 4

; *********************************************
; ************* DATA AREA *****************
; *********************************************
; Data can be freely mixed with code to any parts of the image.
; Only the header information is required at the beginning of the image.

text db "It looks like you have just compiled "
db "your first program for KolibriOS. "
db " "
db "Congratulations! ", 0

title db "Example application", 0
error db "error",0

ok db "ok",0
url db "",0

socketnum dd ?
.port dw 80
.ip dd 0
rb 0
align 4
library network,"network.obj"
import network, \


Re: Запутался с getaddrinfo на fasm

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:59 pm
by hidnplayr
1. You forgot to init heap ( system function 68, 11) which is necessary when working with libraries.

2. The code you provided did not compile because 'request' is undefined, and you forgot commas between arguments of getaddrinfo function.

3. For getaddrinfo function to work, you still lack some code.
Basically, you tell getaddrinfo where it should write result pointer.
(In most applications this is done on the stack)
Getaddrinfo does not return IP address but it returns a pointer to a structure.
The first answer will be located at [address_to_returned_structure+addrinfo.ai_addr].
If we mov this into eax, we can now you find the IP address of this first answer in [eax + sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
When done working with this struct, you must free it using freeaddrinfo function from the library.