professional edition

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
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    Until 2 years ago, KolibriOS did not have an automated build system, so when bugs were fixed, new programs added or desktop background modified, some person had to create a distributive manually, in his spare time, and host the file somewhere he had a place to host. This is an old distributive from almost 3 years ago, so a lot of things have been improved and fixed since that time. It is also not a "Professional Edition" in the meaning you gave it - the author of that distributive just basically removed the games and demos, and instead of them, added more editors and viewers (from the programs that already exist in our SVN). You can do it yourself in 30 minutes or less. The hosting site of this distributive has probably expired - that's why you can't download it.

    In the last 2 years, thanks to work done by CleverMouse, we have automatic build system on the server, and when anyone fixes or adds anything, it's updated automatically in real-time on the "Download" page: The only thing that can be missing are programs that do not fit inside the floppy image. Because in floppy image we are limited to 1.44MB, some programs or drivers just cannot be placed in it due to limited space. So those programs you can download separately from the link of "Archive with additional programs" on the "Download" page.
  • I see, and yes, I too cut out the games on fdd, just kept tools, am now using hdd to store apps, redirected to via icons on desktop. ta for your answer, pal.
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