Traduciendo Kolibri a español

Hable KolibriOS en español
  • Primer dato importante:
    codificación que deben tener los archivos con caracteres en español debe ser CP850
  • Les dejo la imagen para que revisen si les parece bien la pantalla de inicio.
    Aún no pasé de ahí porque quiero que esté 100 % españolizado, jajaja.
    Les dejo el enlace porque no me permite adjuntarla por el tamaño: [no está más disponible, leer siguiente mensaje]

    Agradezco que la prueben.
    Last edited by stefano on Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • Ya hice commit de los cambios al repositorio. Creo que los tienen que aprobar.
    Por ahora quedó traducido lo que es el "boot" y el kernel.
    Si ya está disponible hagan sus pruebas.
  • I have not tested it but the code looks ok, good work!
    It seems you renamed to, but you forgot to delete :wink:
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • hidnplayr wrote:I have not tested it but the code looks ok, good work!
    It seems you renamed to, but you forgot to delete :wink:
    Thank you!
    Yeah. I don't know how to do it :oops:
  • esevece wrote: Yeah. I don't know how to do it :oops:
    What SVN client are you using? If you use TortoiseSVN, just right click on the file > toritoiseSVN > delete.
    Then right click on the folder and commit changes
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • hidnplayr wrote:
    esevece wrote: Yeah. I don't know how to do it :oops:
    What SVN client are you using? If you use TortoiseSVN, just right click on the file > toritoiseSVN > delete.
    Then right click on the folder and commit changes
    No, I use subversion on Ubuntu (`svn` command).

    just googled, and it's easy: `svn delete <filename>`
  • I can't delete the file by this way.
    I get the error "Use 'svn propset svn:eol-style native kernel/trunk/boot/'.". I have set the prop but the same error appears.
  • There seems to be a problem with the configuration of the SVN server, I'll ask the maintainer...
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • hidnplayr wrote:There seems to be a problem with the configuration of the SVN server, I'll ask the maintainer...
    Ok. Thank you.
  • I have fixed the pre-commit check, retry.
    Сделаем мир лучше!
  • CleverMouse wrote:I have fixed the pre-commit check, retry.
    Done! :D
    Thank you.
  • Hola!, yo recién estoy conociendo Kolibri, pero me gustaría poder ayudar en la traducción al español y catalán para poder ampliar el alcance de este fantástico SO. ¿Me podríais indicar los pasos a seguir, archivos a modificar, etc.? Gracias



    Hello !, I'm just getting to know Kolibri, but I'd like to help in the translation into Spanish and Catalan to extend the reach of this great OS. Would I you could indicate the steps, edit files, etc.? Thank you



    Привет! Я просто знакомство с Колибри, но я хотел бы помочь в переводе на испанский и каталанский, чтобы расширить охват этой великой ОС. Буду ли я можно указать, какие шаги, редактировать файлы и т.д.? благодаря

  • Nosferatus wrote:Hello !, I'm just getting to know Kolibri, but I'd like to help in the translation into Spanish and Catalan to extend the reach of this great OS. Would I you could indicate the steps, edit files, etc.? Thank you

    I advise to read the topic: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1867

    In short:
    1. Install an SVN client and create a local repository of svn://
    2. Install fasm (
    3. Choose victim program for first translation, I advise 'board' ... Fboard.asm
    4. Add spanish text (in this case, here:)

    Code: Select all

    if lang eq ru
     title  db 'Доска отладки и сообщений',0
    else if lang eq it
     title  db 'Notifiche e informazioni generiche per il debug',0
    else if lang eq ge
     title  db 'Allgemeines debug- & nachrichtenboard',0
    else if lang eq sp
     title db 'spanish text here', 0
     title  db 'General debug & message board',0
    end if
    5. You will need UTF-8, it has recently been added in kernel but is not used by this program yet, to make window title UTF-8, simple put byte 3 before window string (this info can be found in sysfuncs.txt function 71).
    The previous piece of code will now look like this:

    Code: Select all

    if lang eq ru
     title  db 3,'Доска отладки и сообщений',0
    else if lang eq it
     title  db 3,'Notifiche e informazioni generiche per il debug',0
    else if lang eq ge
     title  db 3,'Allgemeines debug- & nachrichtenboard',0
    else if lang eq sp
     title db 3,'spanish text here', 0
     title  db 3,'General debug & message board',0
    end if
    6. Save file with UTF-8 encoding
    7. Assemble program with lang = sp
    (You can create build_sp.bat if you want)
    @echo lang fix sp >
    @fasm board.asm board
    @kpack board
    8. Test
    9. Publish code on the forum, you will get SVN write access if you seem capable.
    10. Choose another program and continue to step 4.

    To add UTF-8 in other places but window caption, another method is needed which I will explain if you pass the first test :)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein