Смотрелка pdf

Processing, playback of audio and video
  • This line from the logs (among other lines):

    /tmp/ccXBt4m2.o: In function `fz_flush_warnings':
    cmapdump.c:(.text+0x108): undefined reference to `fprintf'

    means that the linker (ld) is not able to find a function(symbol) called "fprintf" which was used in the file cmapdump.c . Even all the other errors of undefined symbols (such as malloc, str* functions, free, etc) suggest that you are missing a linker object for libc .

    I looked at the Makefile, Can you try changing the makefile at kolibrios/contrib/media/updf/Makefile by this ?

    LDFLAGS = -Tinclude/scripts/menuetos_app_v01.ld -nostdlib -Linclude/lib

    (remove the space between -L and include/lib) and try running make again.
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Попробовал сначала
    Spoiler:root@debian:/home/punk-joker/Work/kolibrios_svn/contrib/media/updf# make
    LINK build/pdfdraw
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libfreetype2.a when searching for -lfreetype2
    ld: cannot find -lfreetype2
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libpng.a when searching for -lpng
    ld: cannot find -lpng
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libjbig2dec.a when searching for -ljbig2dec
    ld: cannot find -ljbig2dec
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libjpeg.a when searching for -ljpeg
    ld: cannot find -ljpeg
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libopenjpeg.a when searching for -lopenjpeg
    ld: cannot find -lopenjpeg
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libz.a when searching for -lz
    ld: cannot find -lz
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libm.a when searching for -lm
    ld: cannot find -lm
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libc.a when searching for -lc
    ld: cannot find -lc
    Makefile:45: ошибка выполнения рецепта для цели «build/pdfdraw»
    make: *** [build/pdfdraw] Ошибка 1
    Sourcer ранее писал по этому поводу, но я не могу понять причин. Ведь насколько я понял, Leency ранее собрал программу с этим же makefile'ом
    to infinity and beyond
  • Hmm, Looks like there's some kind of a mixed library linkage madness going on here. If the compiler is skipping "incompatible" library files that we want to get into the executable, then we are shit outta luck :D

    FWIW, I think it's better to compile this using newlib instead of multiple toolchains floating together. Someone needs to take this over!
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Почисти от объектных файлов и пересобери всё заново.
  • VitrualBox image with uPDF

    How to use it to build uPDF:
    1. download archive and unpack it
    2. open Xubuntu.vbox by double click (or use VBox menu "Add" http://prntscr.com/8dz9u8 )
    3. run VM
    4. go to /home/leency/updf
    5. run BuildUPDF.sh http://prntscr.com/8dzemm
    -> you'll get compiled binary file /home/leency/build/mupdf

    I use Dropbox to send file from vitrual machine to my host system, so after compilation binary copies to /home/leency/Dropbox folder.
    If you need root password for current vm then please ask me by private message.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Leency « Ср ноя 09, 2016 9:26 pm » Siemargl: FB2reader надо добавить, а вот uPDF нет смысла добавлять, т.к. он запускается только с параметром - поддержки OpenDial нету
    Просто как вариант(по крайней мере я так делаю), с помощью viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2486&p=53443#p53443
    Запускается скриптом для SHELL, в котором

    Code: Select all

    LOD *pdf,xps*/hd0/1/mupdf
  • Ничего себе! Спасибо, схоронил, надо будет прикрутить.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • VitrualBox image with uPDF
    Updated, now in Puppy Linux, 385 Mb.
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vxfdOO ... sp=sharing
    Из хаоса в космос
  • UPD
    Такая же ошибка была у punk_joker'а:
    Когда я закомментировал обьявления функций в updf/include/pc.h, ошибок стало меньше:
    Новый файл pc.h:

    Code: Select all

    /* Copyright (C) 1998 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */
    /* Copyright (C) 1995 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */
    #ifndef __dj_include_Inline_pc_h_
    #define __dj_include_Inline_pc_h_
    #ifdef __GNUC__
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    extern inline unsigned char inportb (unsigned short _port)
     unsigned char __ret;
     __asm__ __volatile__("inb %%dx,%%al":"=a"(__ret):"d"(_port));
     return __ret;
    extern __inline__ unsigned short inportw (unsigned short _port)
     unsigned short __ret;
     __asm__ __volatile__("inw %%dx,%%ax":"=a"(__ret):"d"(_port));
     return __ret;
    extern __inline__ unsigned long inportl (unsigned short _port)
     unsigned long __ret;
     __asm__ __volatile__("inl %%dx,%%eax":"=a"(__ret):"d"(_port));
     return __ret;
    extern __inline__ void outportb (unsigned short _port, unsigned char _data)
     __asm__ __volatile__("outb %%al,%%dx"::"a"(_data),"d"(_port));
    extern __inline__ void outportw (unsigned short _port, unsigned short _data)
     __asm__ __volatile__("outw %%ax,%%dx"::"a"(_data),"d"(_port));
    extern __inline__ void outportl (unsigned short _port, unsigned long _data)
     __asm__ __volatile__("outl %%eax,%%dx"::"a"(_data),"d"(_port));
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    Новый лог:

    Code: Select all

        LINK build/mupdf
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libfreetype2.a when searching for -lfreetype2
    ld: cannot find -lfreetype2
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libpng.a when searching for -lpng
    ld: cannot find -lpng
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libjbig2dec.a when searching for -ljbig2dec
    ld: cannot find -ljbig2dec
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libjpeg.a when searching for -ljpeg
    ld: cannot find -ljpeg
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libopenjpeg.a when searching for -lopenjpeg
    ld: cannot find -lopenjpeg
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libz.a when searching for -lz
    ld: cannot find -lz
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libm.a when searching for -lm
    ld: cannot find -lm
    ld: skipping incompatible include/lib/libc.a when searching for -lc
    ld: cannot find -lc
    Makefile:111: recipe for target 'build/mupdf' failed
    make: *** [build/mupdf] Error 1
    Возможно, это связано с
    Кто-то wrote:Но ты собираешь 32-битный бинарник, а библиотеки у тебя 64-битные.
    Попробовал собрать uPDF, но что то не так, ругается компилятор. Так же удивило, что до сих пор на menuetlibc, а не newlibc
    log.txt (77.97 KiB)
    Downloaded 182 times
  • Del
    Last edited by maxcodehack on Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • Del
    Last edited by maxcodehack on Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • В чем дело может быть? На одном линуксе собирается на другом нет.
    Last edited by maxcodehack on Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • У мя тоже не на всех линуксах собиралось. Там прикол наверно в разных версиях GCC.
    Из хаоса в космос
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