Direct access to memory

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Ok, another question - can i get access to keyboard buffer in kolibri? Can i access to 40:1АН in protected mode?
  • crchemist wrote:Ok, another question - can i get access to keyboard buffer in kolibri? Can i access to 40:1АН in protected mode?
    No, i can't. :(
  • crchemist wrote:Ok, another question - can i get access to keyboard buffer in kolibri?
    Sure you can, but you can only read the first key in buffer, by using this function: ... ons&sfp=02

    Commonly, people wait/check for a key event first, with function 10, 11 or 23.

    As for Direct access to memory, i dont know exactly what you mean..

    If you are just trying to read/write from a byte/word/dword in memory, you can do as follows:

    Code: Select all

    ; write 123 into the byte memory
    mov byte[label_to_byte], 123 
    ;now lets read the byte into al
    mov al, byte[label_to_byte]
    label_to_byte: db 0
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • As rule, you can get access to keyboard buffer in kolibri if you will use the System Functions Reference. This is a link Next, you cannot get the memory from a program because this array is place in protection of memory if you not use the system function.
  • hidnplayr, you don't understand - i don't want read from some "label_to_byte", i want read value from 40h:1Ah (head ptr) and from 40h:1Ch (tail ptr) addresses. I can't read or write to this addresses - they located in protected memory as said <Lrz>. Certanly I know that i can access to keyboard within system functions. I'm new to kolibri and now i experement with (teach) it. I am trying to write some labs from "system programming" subject in kolibri for better understanding of kolibri and protected mode.
  • ok, i tought i didnt understand you correctly :)

    good luck with your projects
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
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