translate kolibri

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • You may see how in done in any simple program. I mean using vars.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • I have some problem translating the documentation, because I'm not able to follow some steps, and some parts are not very clear to me.

    I'm launching kolibri with the command:

    Code: Select all

    qemu -fda /path/to/kolibri.img -boot a -net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net user
    Here i are my problems:
    - I cannot access to the floppy disk (/fd/1) through eolite, it says "file or folder not found", so if I try, for example, to change background, i open with tinypad the file /rd/1/autorun.dat and modify the string for the background, I cannot save the modified file on the floppy file, but only in the ram device, so when I reboot the machine all personal configuration are lost.
    The documentation says to modify "/RD/1/media/kiv/..." to "/rd/1/pic4", but of course I'm not able to see any changes because I can't save the file.

    - startmus:
    Where can I find the program startmus? The documentation says you can enable it in autorun for having some melody during the boot process, but it's not very clear what you have to write in the autorun.dat file.

    - audo settings:
    "If you have controller sis7012, rename sis.obj from root folder in distributive to sound.obj and copy it to floppy or image to the folder 'drivers' (replacing old)."
    I'm not able to find the file sis.obj, where should it be located? It's not written in the documentation. It says you have to copy it to the floppy, so it should not be inside kolibri, am I right?

    The gnu file license is named gun.txt in the Russian folder, but copy.txt in the english folder.
    How should i name the file for the Italian and German version?
    There is no official Italian version, but I was able to find a non-official version (it's written in the file itself), it says, for legal reason, to look at the English version, is it OK?
  • I use

    Code: Select all

    START /MIN  qemu.exe -L . -m 768 -fda kolibri.img -cdrom MBCD.iso -soundhw ac97 -localtime -M pc -net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net user
    If you want to change something in Windows, use WinImage.
    But there is a better way. See /docs/cp1251/intstall.txt in last distro and install Kolibri on your HardDisk using mtldr_install.exe. Make FAT32 drive on your hard disk. Then boot Kolibri, modify it and save RAM-disk on your HD using RDSave.

    Rename Sis.obj to sound.obj and put it to /drivers folder in image.

    Startmus play midi music by the speaker :) But we have powerful video player, it comes in
    sis.obj (2.68 KiB)
    Downloaded 233 times
    Из хаоса в космос
  • fedesco,
    you can mount kolibri.img, edit files, unmount image and then boot.

    Code: Select all

    [dunkaist@ddesk k]$ ls
    [dunkaist@ddesk k]$ mkdir m
    [dunkaist@ddesk k]$ sudo mount kolibri.img m -o codepage=866,umask=111,dmask=000
    [dunkaist@ddesk k]$ ls m
    3D              @CLIP       DEFAULT.SKN  DRIVERS        GMON      ICONS.DAT     KEYMAP.KEY   LIB         MENU.DAT   @notify    RDSAVE    SETUP.DAT   TINYPAD
    ASCIIVJU        COMMOUSE    DEMOS        E80            GRAPH     ICONSTRP.PNG  KPACK        MACROS.INC  MGB        @PANEL     REFRSCRN  SHELL       VMODE
    background.png  CPU         DEVELOP      File Managers  HDREAD    KBD           LANG.INC     MAGNIFY     MYKEY      PCIDEV     RUN       STRUCT.INC
    CALC            CPUID       DISPTEST     FONTS          HTMLv     KERNEL.MNT    LANG.INI     MEDIA       MYKEY.INI  PIC4       SCRSHOOT  TABLE
    CALENDAR        CROPFLAT    DOCPACK      GAMES          ICON      KERPACK       LAUNCHER     @MENU       NETWORK    @rb        SETUP     TEST
    [dunkaist@ddesk k]$ vim m/AUTORUN.DAT 
    [dunkaist@ddesk k]$ sudo umount m
    How should i name the file for the Italian and German version?
    I'd call it license.txt because of content of that file.
    There is no official Italian version, but I was able to find a non-official version (it's written in the file itself), it says, for legal reason, to look at the English version, is it OK?
    Afaik, the only official version is english one, so it should be OK.
  • Ok, thank to everybody for the help and suggestions, but maybe I was not clear with my questions.

    I'm not asking how I can do certain things, (for example modifying files), but how you are supposed to do that thing reading the documentation. I've posted this question because the documentation was not clear to me, and I need to understand it for translating and using the right words.

    For example it tells to get and put the file sis.obj, but there isn't written where you are supposed to find that file/ I haven't found it.
    Should I add something to the translation? A link to this discussion where the file was posted by Leency?

    If you read the documentation, it seems to me (maybe I've understood it wrong), that you can modify kolibri files that have been loaded in the ramdisk, but you can, through rdsave, save the modified files on the floppy disk or image. Is this true or not? Have I understood it the right way? I was not able to do it because I had some problem with reading the files from the floppy image.

    For startmus it's the same thing, should i leave it away and explain that you should use the video player? Is someone going to update the English and Russian version? Or isn't it a problem that the documentation in different languages are different? Of course you cannot expect that they are 100% equals, but I think it woul be better to make them as equal as possible...
  • It's true, you can save modified floppy with RDSAVE, but not in QEMU, sorry.
    I think you should omit part about startmus. It isn't actual now.
  • Ok, I have omitted the part about startmus, now I'm translating the file hotkeys.txt
    Are the combinations
    Alt + Ctrl + ArrowLeft
    Alt + Ctrl + ArrowRight

    supposed to work?
    I tried them with VirtualBox and QEMU, but nothing happened...

    I've also found that the file fara.txt is not present in the russian version, it seems to ba a documentation file of a game. Is it supposed to be in that directory?
  • OK.

    Documentation in some parts is old, some programs in not actual. Are you try nightbuilds ? They builds from svn:// (you can read it from browser ... Kolibri+OS ).
    If you want to make Italian version of distro it's a good idea! Really good. So you should take account to write to our SVN. Write a letter CleverMouse or XVilka about it.

    For what we need
    Alt + Ctrl + ArrowLeft
    Alt + Ctrl + ArrowRight
    Open a lot of programs, for example, 30. There not enough space in task panel for them and you'll see new element <00>. If you'll push > button or Alt + Ctrl + ArrowRight, you'll see the second part of buttons.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • No-no, I can't give you access to the SVN, sorry, I'm just forum admin, not site.
  • what does:
    "The appropriate actions are determined by used CD/DVD write program
    (focus on words such as "boot floppy emulation")."
    It's in the description for creating a liveCD

    I'll write to CleverMouse or XVilka asking for an account with write permission on SVN.
  • fedesco wrote:what does:
    "The appropriate actions are determined by used CD/DVD write program
    (focus on words such as "boot floppy emulation")."
    It's in the description for creating a liveCD
    Such a programs often provide an option to burn bootable images. It should be possible to burn CD/DVD in floppy emulation mode using kolibri.img or any other floppy image. Obviously each program has unique UI, so the most reasonable way to find this functionality is looking for button/tab/checkbox with some text like "boot floppy emulation".

    "The appropriate actions are determined by used CD/DVD write program" means that there are no step by step instructions with screenshots below for your favorite optical disk burning utility.
  • OK, thx!

    in the english version, under docs, there is a file of a game named fara, in the russian version it is grobfar

    how shoudl it be named in other languages? I don't think that's a good idea to change the name of a file from one language to another...
  • I think fara is a derivative of faro - Pharaoh
  • Yes it is,or at least it thought so.

    Should I name it fara then?
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