translate kolibri

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Great, it works!

    Ok, now I have 4 (+1) other questions:

    1) I saw that some programs are writenn in c-- (never heard of it before...), and the include path are in "windows-style", for example \lib\, in GNU the path are, for example /lib/, so i get error during compilation. How do I solve that problem? (and I should also look for a c-- compiler...)

    2) which are the file relative to the gui of kolibri? For example the menu and so on.

    3) Can i compile with the same source code the programs for a GNU/Linux system? For example the game 15? Theretically i should be able to test the programs also in my system...

    4) not all source codes do have an if-else for the language, for example some programs written in c-- and others, I do not know anyhting about this language, how do I check, generally speaking, the language?

    5) Do most programmers write thei programs on windows? Can't immagine why there are batch files to be executed...
  • 1) You can find с-- compiler at SVN, I don't sure where is it, but I think it is. Sorry, it's closed-source, and you should use wine to start it
    2) Menu is /programs/system/@menu; panel is programs/system/@panel. As for menu, you don't need to fix sources - all you need is located in MENU.DAT
    3) If program is written in C - you __theoretically__ can do such thing. But it's like "I want to develop windows application in my linux, and I need a way to launch them inside linux". There's "KlbrInWin" for windows, and you can use it in Linux with wine - but why? Qemu is very fast tool for testing.
    4) There's no way to do such things, sorry :( You have to make translation and diff-file for it for such cases... %)
    5) I don't sure, but I think there's 50/50 Linux/Windows. Bat-files are for Windows, and there's Makefile for entire project for Linux.
  • 1) oh...what a pity
    2) sorry, but i'm not able to find the menu.dat file... and what is kpack? I was not able to find it via google (i found something with package manager and KDE, but i doubt that it has something to do with it)
    3) Yeah, your're right, but i thought that the programs would not have dependencies (because I'm able to compile them on my gnu/linux box), and so I thought that it would be possible to run them on different operating systems.
  • 1) I'll check my HD and send you local copy of my C--
    2) MENU.DAT is /data/eng/menu.dat and /data/rus/menu.dat
    kpack is /programs/other/kpack - there's versions for linux and kolibri
    3) Those dependencies are syscalls and some Kolibri libraries sometimes.
  • OK, thank you very much

    I have one last problem (I hope so :P)

    This is a part of my bashrc:

    Code: Select all

    alias fasm='/opt/fasm/fasm'
    If I compile something using the command fasm, it works as expected, but if I launche a scriptfile, fore example

    Code: Select all

    # This script does for linux the same as build.bat for DOS,
    # it compiles the KoOS kernel, hopefully ;-)
    fasm -m 16384 kpack.asm kpack.o
    gcc	-s -nostdlib kpack.o -o kpack -lc
    strip -R .comment -R .gnu.version kpack
    exit 0
    the it says that he is not able to find the command fasm. But it is not a great deal, I can compile it manually.

    The big deal is that i have a 64 bit PC, so, when i give the command

    Code: Select all

    gcc -s -nostdlib kpack.o -o kpack -lc
    i get

    Code: Select all

    /usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `kpack.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
    I gave a look at the source code of kpack, maybe I should change "executable elf" in something like "executable elf64", but i always get an invalid argument error...
  • You have to install i386-libs and bintools, or install wine and use windows kpack, or use kpack for Kolibri.
  • SoUrcerer wrote:You have to install i386-libs and bintools
    What distribution are you using? I've searched a lot but was not able to find packages with these names for debian based distribution.

    I've installed the ia32-libs package, but it does not seem to help.
    Solution seems to add -m32 to gcc, and I got the following error:

    Code: Select all

    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lc
    wich is pretty strange. In the man the -lc option is not described.

    If you search on the web, most people on RHEL seems to solve the problem installing the package glibc-static, which is not provided in debian; in debian you have to reinstall the following package: libc6-dev-i386
    as stated here: ... 00182.html

    and now it'll compile! Finally!

    How can I test the translated menu?
    I copied the structure of /data/eng/menu.dat in /data/it/menu.dat, created the build_it.bat, compiled and everything...
  • Have you tried to edit "kolibri.img" file? As for now, it's main OS file, like vmlinuz in Linux. This image contains kernel and minimal system (i.e. all what you see in your /rd/1/ directory).So, file "menu.dat" should be located at /rd/1/menu.dat. You can install mtools and copy this file to image:
    mcopy -moi /path/to/kolibri.img menu.dat ::menu.dat
  • Ok, time to share some translations ^_^

    I've attached the menu.dat file and the game 15.
    Attachments (12.21 KiB)
    game 15
    Downloaded 214 times (2.4 KiB)
    menu of kolibri
    Downloaded 216 times
  • I've also added to arcanii an if-switch for changing language during compilation.
    Attachments (50.5 KiB)
    arcanii - italian language added
    Downloaded 208 times
  • It's better to use vars or definitions, except inline translation of every phrase. For example:

    Code: Select all

    if lang eq ru
    hello db 'Введите полный путь к файлу и нажмите Enter',0
    bad_file_sys db 'Неизвестная файловая система',0 ; 3
    file_not_find db 'Файл не найден',0              ; 5
    bad_fat_table db 'Таблица FAT разрушена',0       ; 9
    acces_denyied db 'Доступ запрещен',0             ; 10
    device_error db 'Ошибка устройства',0            ; 11
    out_of_memory db 'Недостаточно памяти',0         ; 30
    file_not_executable db 'Файл не является исполняемым',0 ; 31
    many_processes db 'Слишком много процессов',0    ; 32
    run_ok db 'Программа успешно запущена',0
    grab_text db 'Запуск программы',0
    run_but_text db 'ЗАПУСТИТЬ',0
    hello db 'Enter full path to file and press <Enter>',0
    bad_file_sys db 'Unknown file system',0                ; 3
    file_not_find db 'File not found',0                    ; 5
    bad_fat_table db 'FAT table corrupted',0               ; 9
    acces_denyied db 'Access denied',0                     ; 10
    device_error db 'Device error',0                       ; 11
    out_of_memory db 'Out of memory',0                     ; 30
    file_not_executable db 'File is not executable',0      ; 31
    many_processes db 'Too many processes',0               ; 32
    run_ok db 'The program was started successfully',0
    grab_text db 'RUN',0
    run_but_text db 'RUN',0
    end if
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Leency, as far as I can see, this approach is used in Italian translations :)
    So, fedesco, good job! :) Please, continue to make translation :) It is possible to make autobuild for Italian version later :)
  • Leency wrote:It's better to use vars or definitions, except inline translation of every phrase. For example:
    You are right, but I do not know the assembly syntax, i just tried it (in the program arcanii), tested it and it worked.
    I do not have any idea how to do what you are suggesting.

    Of course in the game 15 there where the vars or definitions, so I've done exactly what you are suggesting, but in the game arcanii there was only the english language.
  • You can add absolutely same thing to arcanii :) Just add " inlude '' " at the start of code.
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