CPUID - характеристики центрального процессора

  • Hello,
    I am writing my proposal and I have one question.

    Primary goal for CPUID tool is: Write code to detect and report new CPUs and features + size detection for caches

    now what features we would want to add in new CPUID tool?
    Also how much time you think this will take depending on how many number of features we are trying to add?
  • The beta from 2007 contains around 16 features, which still not present in version 2.29
    (+) new features detected for Intel: SSE4.1, SSE4.2, PDCM, etc;
    (+) new features detected for AMD: SSE5, Page1GB, POPCNT, etc;
    and for 9 years I think a lot of others features appears. Roughly speeking I think the size of application sources would be double of it's current size (well, it was estimation made in 2013..., so maybe 2.5 of current size), if everything going well. And the time should be enough to do it.
  • Hello,
    Here is link to my proposal. Would you be able to check it and let me know if I need to make any changes or not?

    I really appreciate your help.

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huf ... sp=sharing
  • Photo of current version of test task 2, chosen by marting422
    tt2.png (731.72 KiB)
    Viewed 8225 times
  • Final screenshot from marting422
    m.png (53 KiB)
    Viewed 8206 times
  • Photo of current version of test task 3, chosen by Powerdoge
    pp1.png (796.48 KiB)
    Viewed 8206 times
  • mat1854 finally used Extended models for disabling multiplier detection and finished the main task, but some interface polishing work is still going on.
  • mat1854 finally finished test task.
    We got ugly zeroes in second string of main window after disabling multiplier detection (right part of screenshot) and the design task was to make adaptive design, e.g. show numbers, if we detect something and show n/a, if we don't (left part of screenshot).
    IMG1.png (641.26 KiB)
    Viewed 8059 times
  • It should be mentioned that Powerdoge puts a lot of energy in finishing his test task and made stable, but incomplete version.
  • Here are executables for all 3 tasks
    cpuidgsoc.zip (65.87 KiB)
    Downloaded 238 times
  • Here are sources for these test tasks
    Test tasks.zip (337.12 KiB)
    Downloaded 233 times
  • Here are tasks for mat1854 during Community Bonding period:
    1. study all versions of CPUID and get ready to merge them into one application (given at 29/04 via PM);
    2. write 1 or 2 blog posts about CPUs of Intel and AMD, released in last 10 years (given at 08/05 via PM).
    Optional tasks for period - registration on wiki http://wiki.kolibrios.org/wiki/Main_Page/ (given at 08/05 via PM) and improve timeline in project proposal (given now).
  • I have started writing blog post about CPUs of Intel and AMD and also reviewing all the different versions of CPU are still in progress.
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