Kernel revision numbering moving to semantic versioning

Internal structure and you change requests/suggestions
  • We have discussed a plan for a backwards compatible change to sf18.13:

    Current draft ... 2426486846 :

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    db a,b,c,d
        ; OS version, e.g. (unchanged - but now extracted from the git tag during build).
        ; The formatting and semantic meaning of the 4 bytes may be distro specific.
        ; It may not be relied upon to identify the feature set (recommendation is to use the Kernel ABI version instead).
    db 0 
        ; reserved byte (unchanged)
    db minor 
        ; (NEW) Kernel ABI version, minor. Starting from `0`.
        ; The lower byte of the old `REV` revision field
    dw major 
        ; (NEW) Kernel ABI version, major. Starting from `40` (for backwards compatibility with historic REV field).
        ; The two middle bytes of the old `REV` revision field
    dw 12345 
        ; (NEW) VCS commit offset from the last release. 
        ; The lower byte of this field is the higher byte of the old `REV` revision field. 
    rb 5 
        ; (NEW) Last VCS commit ID truncated to first 5 bytes, 
        ; e.g. first 10 hexadecimal digits of git commit hash (ca fe f0 0d 01)
    db 0 
        ; (NEW) reserved byte.
    ;; <--- 16 bytes total.
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