How to build a KolibriOS from files of WebSVN?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Thanks for all dunkaist! For question 4 (Q4), how do I compile the code? And when I compile it how do I create it a IMG file? If you can't, then someone else can
  • Read "Q5. I'm sure that I want to build the entire system".
  • Thank you for everything, but from which link can I download the C-- percent of the request. Without it I can't build code. I just don't need a link where to download C-- for Windows 10 64-bit? Only.
  • Thank you for answering all my questions! New question: For kernel kolibrios, I modified all the files for the initial text, and when I run build.bat, when KERNEL.MNT is created, the same text is returned to me every time. How do I fix this or how do I properly build the kernel?
  • ukicomputers wrote:Thank you for answering all my questions! New question: For kernel kolibrios, I modified all the files for the initial text, and when I run build.bat, when KERNEL.MNT is created, the same text is returned to me every time. How do I fix this or how do I properly build the kernel?
    You need to replace the original KERNEL.MNT file in kolibri.img with newly created
    The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • How to replace a kernel?
  • ukicomputers wrote:How to replace a kernel?
    Open kolibri.img with e.g. WinImage and just replace the kernel.mnt file
    The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • Leency, in some pictures it can be seen that you have
    Kolibrios installed by having two disks. How did you install it? Because I know I need to format the disk. To have a Hard Disks. And here is a picture for example:

    wp_ss_20210307_0001.png (204.88 KiB)
    Viewed 6950 times
  • AFAIK kolibri can see only ide disks as default. To see sata disks you have to switch on visability of disks via BIOS (at boot blue screen). Knowledge what to do to see sata disks via driver (if you have only UEFI ) is out of my competence. But... this subject was discussed on this board several times (at last one).
    Good luck :!:
  • Instruction how to get acces to sata ->
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