German version

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Hi, paitorocxon. :)

    The German version is not available because there are no German developers or German speakers in the KolibriOS team.

    If there is a desire to make a German version, and it apparently is there, then you can try, i think the KolibriOS development team will be happy any help.
    The Glass is Always Half Full! :mrgreen:
  • I am a German speaker, but used to English. Would be cool to have the option, though.

    By the way, welcome to kolibri os ;-)
  • baggacfreak
    Oops, a little mistake came. Sorry, i didn't know that!
    The Glass is Always Half Full! :mrgreen:
  • Thanks!

    In germany alot of germans speak english but none of them really wants to use a os wich is in english or russian. So i do my best and try to translate it! Maybe it helps to rise Kolibri os a bit more.
    And to baggacfreak i say: Tachschen! Are you a developer or a user of Kolibri os? In that case that you're a developer, maybe we could work together?
    The compiler is the only one who understand what i mean!
  • Hi,

    no problem. I am a (let's say) advanced user. I have done the homepage translation to German and helped out whereever it was possible for me, e.g. suggested the kickstarter instead of Google Summer Coding. Last year I did some videos on the progress of netsurf browser (which I always pushed because of its outreach to new usecases), my tests with kos and keep on doing them as help is needed. Check out my youtube playlist or search on youtube for kolibrios and you will most likely find videos from myself. I do not program, but would love to see some more developers here. Feel free to ask for testing!

    Yours BaGgAcFrEaK!
  • If you want the German version - do it.
    For example:
    Duplicate and rename the English directory to German one in your svn copy
    Edit tup file.
    Do some translations, german settings, checks that everything goes Ok
    Load results to svn
    The road begins with the first step.
  • Allright!
    Thanks for the tip.
    I will do it!
    The compiler is the only one who understand what i mean!
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