Rolling up window event

Applications development, KoOS API questions
  • Ok, sounds good.
    Still, in most applications does an API function (such as SysFn 12, subfunction 1) check automatically for this flag and does ?
    I'm trying to see if an app has a bug inside it's code, or if it's a bug inside the API.
  • catalinvasile wrote:in most applications does an API function (such as SysFn 12, subfunction 1) check automatically for this flag and does ?
    SysFn12.1 just "say" to system that you start redraw window. It does not check flag.
    Description of every system function you can find here ... sfuncs.txt
  • I'm aware of that description file and I went through it.
    I was thinking if there was an undocumented behavior or such.
  • catalinvasile wrote:I'm aware of that description file and I went through it.
    I was thinking if there was an undocumented behavior or such.
    0CodErr gave you an example of the solution we expect from you in your qualification task. Please stick to the hints provided by 0CodErr.
    I double-checked with our developers right now, and according to them, the API is ok in this case.
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