KolibriOS for dummies

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Hi,

    you can boot from usbstick if your system allows booting from usb. Did you read viewtopic.php?f=23&t=2301 here and on facebook?

    By the way bodhi linux is a good choice, too!

    from fb:
    "It is really easy. Insert thumb drive into USB port of your computer, copy kolibri.img to the parent folder of the thumb drive. Then run mtldr.exe and setmbr.exe and point both utilities to that USB drive - and you are done! Both utilities are available for download from our official web site inside KolibriOS distributive: http://kolibrios.org/en/download.htm"
  • Hello all and thanks for the opportunity to post here!

    I became interested in KolibriOS because I ..."inherited" a 20 year old Compaq PC, it is a Deskpro XL5120 with 136 MB of RAM, with SCSI-2 storage system, a dead HD, a bootable floppy drive, a (questionable) SCSI (1x speed) CDROM, a SoundBlaster16, and a Cirrus Logic VGA card, all this is on an (E)ISA bus.

    I only have a floppy to boot from and provided I can find (today) a (single-ended, 50-pin fast scsi-2) hard drive to fit this machine (I also wonder how much it will cost?!) I'd like to resurrect this ..."baby" and use for fun and as a DOS box.

    I know the motherboard is all good and all the components inside because I run the Compaq provided diagnostics from a bootable floppy and it passed all tests with zero errors, well the SCSI CDROM was kind of iffy, it did produce some read errors but from some reading I did it could be that this old unit is having issues with modern CDRW disks, which is what I used, I'll have to try again with a different CD.

    Anyway you get the picture...(lol)

    I was wondering how do I go about installing KolibriOS on a floppy and running from there. Is is actually possible to run KolibriOS ONLY from a floppy?

    I did read the install.txt instructions and it says I should run the "subjoined install.bat" but I could not find this file anywhere in the package I downloaded.

    Can you please help me, thank you very much in advance!


    PS: Summary of Qs --> 1) How to install KolibriOS on a floppy and 2) Will KolibriOS run exclusively from floppy (and RAM or course)?
  • XwpisONOMA wrote:PS: Summary of Qs --> 1) How to install KolibriOS on a floppy and 2) Will KolibriOS run exclusively from floppy (and RAM or course)?
    1) It's very easy - just download the latest floppy image from here: http://builds.kolibrios.org/eng/latest-img.7z , unzip it using 7-zip or new version of WinRAR, and transfer the resulting kolibri.img file to a floppy disk using rawrite, dd or similar tool.
    2) Yes - in fact it's the only option for KolibriOS right now. Even when it's started from USB stick or similar, it still mounts itself as a virtual floppy and runs from RAM.
  • WOW !!! That's the FASTEST ever reply I've ever gotten in ANY forum!!!


    (sorry for the capitalization, I got over excited)

    I will try it immediately, I am using RawWriteWin (with the Penguin) so I am assuming this is what you mean with "rawwrite".

    Thank you again, yogev_ezra, you are the best!
  • XwpisONOMA wrote:I will try it immediately, I am using RawWriteWin (with the Penguin) so I am assuming this is what you mean with "rawwrite".
    Thank you again, yogev_ezra, you are the best!
    You are welcome - glad I was able to help. Yes, "RawWriteWin" should do the job for you.
  • I am currently exploring what this thing can do, it is very impressive all this is packed in a floppy.

    I am also attaching a picture of this 20 year old PC that just came back to life thanks to KolibriOS.

    Best regards!
    Compaq Deskpro XL5120 a 20 year old PC originally intended to run DOS, Windows 3.1, 95, 98 and (maybe) 2000 Professional, currently resurrected with KolibriOS, all I can say is WOW!
    Compaq DeskPro XL5120.jpg (234.04 KiB)
    Compaq Deskpro XL5120 a 20 year old PC originally intended to run DOS, Windows 3.1, 95, 98 and (maybe) 2000 Professional, currently resurrected with KolibriOS, all I can say is WOW! Viewed 6153 times
    Yes, thanks (once again) to your help, I did it!
  • XwpisONOMA wrote:Hello all and thanks for the opportunity to post here!

    I became interested in KolibriOS because I ..."inherited" a 20 year old Compaq PC, it is a Deskpro XL5120 with 136 MB of RAM, with SCSI-2 storage system, a dead HD, a bootable floppy drive, a (questionable) SCSI (1x speed) CDROM, a SoundBlaster16, and a Cirrus Logic VGA card, all this is on an (E)ISA bus.
    Doesnt this computer have an integrated ethernet adapter?
    I have, what seems to be an older brother of this machine, the Compaq deskpro XL 590.
    My machine has a built in "AMD PC/net" ethernet adapter and thus can surf the web from KolibriOS :)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
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