Loading Kernel symbols in GBD

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Ok, I've kinda figured it out, You must use FASM to create the symbol file
    by changing the fasm line in build.bat to this...

    "fasm -m 65536 kernel.asm bin\kernel.mnt -s kos.sym"

    where -s kos.sym is the name of the symbol file you want.

    However, when I try to load in in GDB like this...

    (gdb) symbol kos.sym

    I get the following error...
    "C:\GDB\bin/kos.sym': can't read symbols: File format not recognized."

    so I looked up the following posts on the FASM site...


    But I still can't figure out how to convert the FASM symbol format to somthing GDB can use.


    Can someone tell me how to convert the format to the correct one GDB can use ?
    How are people debugging the kernel ?

  • Ok, Now I just found this...

    "It's not possible at the moment. GDB does not understand the .fas format so you first need to convert the .fas file to DWARF, but no such converter exists. Tomasz has asked for help with format converters so if you feel you're up for the task you should give it a shot."

    Is this true ?

    If so, Could someone please tell me how I can debug KolibriOS ?

  • I usually use Bochs with debugging support for kernel debugging. Kolibri version of fasm can generate symbol files directly suitable for Bochs (that is, a sequence of lines of type '0x<hex-address> <name>').
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