
  • Nice work.
    I have uploaded the source code of this new version to the SVN server.
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • The same as macgub's sources, but this version is more compatible with KolibriOS:
    - skinned window
    - default path is /rd/1/3d/house.3ds (this file in last distro, but teapot.3ds seems better...)
    Attachments (62.93 KiB)
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    Из хаоса в космос
  • maybe /sys/ will be better?
    И мы уже давно не пешки,
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    Война ютит бинарный код,
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  • My congratulations macgub, incredible improvements! Keep up the good coding!
  • View3ds 0.054 - tiny viewer to .3ds files. 8)

    What's new?
    1. Optimizations.
    2. Re map texture, bumps option - allow spherical mapping around each axle (X,Y,Z).
    3. Problem with too small memory to generate object fixed. (Problem ocurred with
    house.3ds object and others objects contains less than 1000 faces and points). ... 0054src.7z ... w3dsKolSSE ... w3dsKolMMX
    Last edited by macgub on Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
  • 0.055 is out.
    I done few simply SSE optimizations in bump + texture drawing model.
    Last edited by macgub on Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
  • macgub wrote:0.055 is out.
    I done few simply SSE optimizations in bump + texture drawing model.
    Wow, what a coincidence! Just yesterday I updated your program in Subversion to version 0.054 (it was 0.053 till yesterday). :wink: Have to do some more work now :wink:
  • Changes in version 0.055 are rather tiny. As well you may use 0.054.
  • macgub wrote:Changes in version 0.055 are rather tiny. As well you may use 0.054.
    It's ok - I have done that already :wink:

    For next version may I make a small suggestion - add a possibility to select a file to play.
    Right now the 3DS filename is hardcoded inside the program itself, so changing the name will require program recompile.
    But there is now a new framework element - OpenDialog - that you can use in your program.
    And then you can add an option to select a file to play via OpenDialog element.

    Also I have one more small question: on your website there is one more program - 3dshearts - that is now also included in KolibriOS. I wonder can you list the difference between 3dshearts and 3dsviewer? Is hearts just a stripped-down version of the viewer? Or it has some features that the viewer does not have?

    Thank you in advance for your reply :wink:
  • 3DS filename is hardcoded inside the program itself, so changing the name will require program recompile.
    No. View3ds open 3ds file given as the parameter. Just use kfar or kfm. This file managers run view3ds autmatically after selecting 3ds file. If program can't find file, it is given path in sources, it generates object.
    And then you can add an option to select a file to play via OpenDialog element

    Feel free to add this option. ( If You are impatient ). :mrgreen:
    As you say heart is older version of view3ds. But in heart you can change main color.
    And heart contains a 3ds object inside, so it is bit bigger.
  • 0.056 is out. I done some optimizations, few improvements. ... ds0.056.7z
    Last edited by macgub on Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
  • Thank you for your work.
  • 0.057 is out.
    In last versions by opening file bigger then ~18 KB and choosing env mode, program terminate. I remove this bug.
    Last edited by macgub on Sat Feb 20, 2021 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
  • Cool!
    Is it possible to create simple 3D editor with 3dsview render engine?
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