Booting From USB

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Kolibri can't see USB devices (exept mouse), so I think there is no way to read/write to the USB stick after boot. Not yet.

    But good lack. May be you'll find the way. ;)
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  • Hello,

    It is possible to write to a usb flash disk from Kolibrios, i have done it many times. The only way you can currently do this is to use the USB-FDD emulation of your bios and write the floppy image of kolibri to your usb disk and boot from it as if it was a floppy disk. When you use this method your bios will remap all floppy disk read and writes to the usb stick and once booted into kolibri i assume the floppy read/write function of kolibri use the bios interrupt calls since floppy read and writes are directed to the usb stick.

    If using USB-HDD emulation on your usb device then it seems reading and writing to the usb disk is not possible since kolibri defaults to using i/o ports (0x1f0, 0x170) to access the harddrive. If however someone was to add the possiblity to choose whether to use i/o ports or bios interrupts to access harddrives then it might be possible to read and write to the usb disk using the bios interrupts. This would only be an easy solution to the problem until someone adds full USB support to kolibri.

  • to JMD
    There is an option on Kolibri boot screen - Show BIOS drives. As far as I understand when this option is enabled BIOS image (that _rests in peace_ in fixed memory area (see in kernel sources)) is used to access to BIOS accesible disks, it is ran in V86 mode (core/ So, try it on your system if you wish.
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