kbasic rapidq traslator to asm

  • Hi! It's very pleasant for us to see you here. Project needs more programmers.
    Good luck in translating RapidQ to Asm for Kolibri.

    P.S. Oh, if you will have some free time, you may make KolibriOS page in your foreign language in Wikipedia. ;)
    Из хаоса в космос
  • As I understand, open-source version of the project is not being developed since 2000. Is it really useful now? Well, we can add something later anyway, so good luck and keep us updated on a progress please.
    in code we trust
  • Windows sample well, buttons, label and others too.
    I am devoted to the most deficil for me as being the translation of sub-functions.
    Len, $ str, mid $, and so on.
    I was a little complicated due to a not understand much to FlatASM. It is not easy as other compilers. But it is what brings me to create this translator RapidQ.
    Send Codes to jackerscomp2002@yahoo.com.ar
    If you want the code translator send email
  • this is a form in rapidq work in kolibriOS

    but this version is a last.
    now the code generate is more smoll

    [The extension bmp has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

    [The extension bmp has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

  • This one is the image of the previous code working in KolibriOS
    Imagen104.jpg (46.87 KiB)
    Viewed 15978 times
  • Hi! Good job! But your asm code contained some error. You are mistaking where you define
    edit1 edit_box 121,80,44,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0xAABBCC,0,255,EDIT1_1,ed_focus,200,0
    edit2 edit_box 121,80,68,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0xAABBCC,0,255,EDIT1_2,0,200,0
    Value 255 is size of buffer where component will write symbols. You define size of buffer EDIT1_1 db 'DAVID CUELLO ',0 This is size of buffer = 11 symbols. If you will write bigger than 11 symbols, you will clean a array after this of code EDIT1_1 db 'DAVID CUELLO ',0.
    You will clean 244 byte after defined position.
    200,0 this defined position of cursor. If you will set cursor on end position message, in this event you must write as

    Code: Select all

    edit1 edit_box 121,80,44,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0xAABBCC,0,11,EDIT1_1,ed_focus,11,11
    edit2 edit_box 121,80,68,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0xAABBCC,0,24,EDIT1_2
    If you have some questions above component EditBox,checkbox,radiobutton or Library. You can ask me :).
  • Thanks for the help ...
    In fact the program in this version leaves 255 spaces, but to upload a forum, do not take the spaces, anyway, now the code is something like this:
    Edit1_1 db 'David'
    RB 250

    This is to be 255, is not by whim, but to be able to write, paste, move, etc..
    All text strings define as the 255 characters. :!:

    I tell you fart as I checkbox which is selected or radiobutton.

    I am for uploading the code so give me help.

    This was translated by a website, I do not understand much Russian, but if the ASM.

    Argentina, Santa Fe :D
  • So, I have one article and examples. I think you need to understand it, why use components. You can use example on my site http://lrz.land.ru/dowload/BOX_LIB.7z - This is library of components (radiobutton,checkbox,Editbox and source)
    http://lrz.land.ru/dowload/editbox_article.7z this is article above use editbox (only russain language). If you need translate this article I can translate it on English.

    Best regards!
  • Hi! Where I can get your translator of RapidQ to Asm for Kolibri? I haven't any direct links on this page or any other pages.
  • This version 1 of the program, going by the version 3, then the public version stable
  • Attachments
    form in windors and Kos
    Rq2kos01.jpg (79.25 KiB)
    form in windors and Kos Viewed 15611 times
    fromwin1.JPG (77.38 KiB)
    Viewed 15610 times
  • This is the new version of rq2kos
    Renowned kbas
    Add the command "IF"
    This more clear code for anyone who wants to change it
    Modify the code to compile himself, I think (bootstrap).
    Need help

  • Ни у кого это не сохранилось? Интересно глянуть.
  • Excellent work, very much was pleasant to me, good luck in work on proscale. :D
    Мы не часть этого мира , мы его творцы :)
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