Is there memory mapped files in KolibriOS?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Boppan
    mmap() is a POSIX-specific tool used to spread the mad concept "everything is a file" to any non-file object.

    This feature is not implemented in KolibriOS, neither ported with Linux libraries yet.

    You better use Shared Memory interface to transfer data to/from your processes
  • Yes, but I wanna use memory mapped files to read large files.

    My english is terrible, so...

    После того, как mmap открывает файл, ОС подгружает его по мере доступа к нему, и выгружает его уже неиспользуемые участки (page swapping). Так можно читать большие файлы не тратя слишком много оперативной памяти.
  • Boppan
    Very interesting idea.
    There is no page swapping in Kolibri (nobody needed it so far), but you can try to do-it-yourself as a really useful exercise
  • Got it, thanks.
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