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Format for cursors

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 1:59 pm
by ace_dent
I was reviewing the recent #9941 commits by Doczom, in ``.
Some questions:
1. Is there a reason all system cursors are set to 32x32 px... even when smaller sizes 16x32 or 16x16 would fit the artwork? Does it reduce code size or execute faster?
2. The .CUR format used in KOS seems identical to that specified by MS Win. Does the KOS decoder support `IBM OS/2` / `v1.x` / BMPv2 data... or only BMPv3 ? These have the smallest DIB header of 12 bytes and allow more compact 3 byte (non-padded) palette entries.

Many thanks.

Re: Format for cursors

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 4:14 pm
by Leency
Hello, ace_dent!

1. I think that was done for extendibility in future. Only 32x32 are supported now as I know. Let it be as is as there are more important parts to do.
2. This is not a typical case. Could you please provide such images in the attachment? So I can test them.


Re: Format for cursors

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:57 pm
by joshdillingham
2. I think the .CUR format used in KolibriOS may be compatible with the format specified by Microsoft Windows. However, the level of support for different versions of the format, such as IBM OS/2 or different variations of BMP (Bitmap), would depend on the implementation and capabilities of the KolibriOS decoder.