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Kolibri installed to HDD, how to skip or save startup settings window?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2022 4:46 am
by gustep
I managed to set up KolibriOS r9739 to my HDD on a retro PC. It is amazing how efficient in terms of size and speed KolibriOS is!

However, on every reboot, I have to answer in the Kolibri loader blue screen the settings for [a] Videomode - [e] Floppy image.

How can I save these settings, so that it will be automatic next time?

In particular, I want to set [e] Floppy image: C:\kolibri.img (FAT32).

It asks "Remember current settings? [y/n]: I select y, and it boots very quickly, but it always asks again - it does NOT seem to remember the Floppy image setting.

I even did the following: RDSAVE --> RAM-drive will be saved as: /hd0/4/kolibri.img (RAM-drive was saved successfully). However, still, next boot it ask again which floppy image to use.

How can I permanently save my floppy image selection to C:\kolibri.img (FAT32) ?

Here is how I made my installation:

- MBR: GAG boot manager to select 1-4 OS, all in primary partitions, with "Hide unselected primary partitions" activated. So if I select 4th primary partition (KolibriOS), then 1-3 will be hidden, and C:\kolibri.img should be the first visible drive.

The other partitions on this retro-PC playground are:

- hd0/1: FAT32 (MS-DOS) - not really useful, just for learning about MBR, GRUB, and multi-boot OS
- hd0/2: FAT32 (Windows98) - not really useful, just for learning about MBR, GRUB, and multi-boot OS
- hd0/3: ext3 (LegacyOS 2017 Linux)
- hd0/4: FAT32 (KolibriOS)

To install KolibriOS:

1.) Place the entire KolibriOS USB/HDD image in the ROOT folder of FAT32, so that there is a file hda4/kolibri.img
2.) Copy the memdisk file into hda4/memdisk (also into the root folder)
3.) In Linux, edit GRUB menu.lst (GRUB1) on hda3/boot/grub/menu.lst to add an entry as follows

Code: Select all

# Linux bootable partition config begins
title KolibriOS (on /dev/hda4)
root (hd0,3)
kernel /memdisk raw
initrd /kolibri.img
# Linux bootable partition config ends
4.) I copy the entire directory hda3/boot/ to hda4/boot/
Note: hda4 in Linux = hd0,3 in GRUB = /hd0/4 in KolibriOS

5.) To install GRUB to hda4 with the new menu.lst parameters, I use the following commands in Linux:

Code: Select all

root (hd0,3)
setup (hd0,3)
6.) In the GAG boot manager, I add and select the 4th primary partition

7.) Now I see Grub, I select KolibriOS

8.) Now I see the KolibriOS startup configuration dialog [a] - [e] settings.

If there is any way to simplify and speed up the boot process further, let me know.

Re: Kolibri installed to HDD, how to skip or save startup settings window?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:19 am
by gustep
I found a solution:

- Boot from floppy. Select [e] --> C:\kolibri.img

- Remember current settings: yes

The settings will be saved on the floppy into the file KERNEL.MNT

- Use WinImage or a similar program to convert the floppy disk back into a new, updated Kolibri image

- Copy the updated kolibri.img to C:\kolibri.img

Another question: Is there a way to change the 5-second menu timeout to zero seconds? I guess I should maybe just modify the source code and re-compile KERNEL.MNT with my preferred options... ? How would I do that?


Re: Kolibri installed to HDD, how to skip or save startup settings window?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:09 pm
by sober_dev
gustep wrote: Another question: Is there a way to change the 5-second menu timeout to zero seconds? I guess I should maybe just modify the source code and re-compile KERNEL.MNT with my preferred options... ? How would I do that? ... otbios.asm

Code: Select all

if defined pretest_build
  PREBOOT_TIMEOUT = 0 ; seconds
end if ...

Code: Select all

if defined extended_primary_loader
; timeout in 1/18th of second for config settings screen
preboot_timeout     dw  PREBOOT_TIMEOUT*18
end if