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How do I install to hard drive?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:24 am
by kolibrikola
I've followed the instructions for making a USB stick but all it did was install directly to the USB.

How do I install to my hard drive? I didn't see any program on the USB called "install" or something but I may have missed it.

Re: How do I install to hard drive?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 4:35 am
by dunkaist
kolibrikola wrote:How do I install to my hard drive? I didn't see any program on the USB called "install" or something but I may have missed it.
You didn't miss anything, KolibriOS can't install itself.

There is INSTALL.TXT file in the distro. Pay attention to section "II. Install to hard disk."

Re: How do I install to hard drive?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:58 am
by kolibrikola
dunkaist wrote:You didn't miss anything, KolibriOS can't install itself.

There is INSTALL.TXT file in the distro. Pay attention to section "II. Install to hard disk."
That's weird, why not?

And when it says mtldr "works with" DOS/Win95/etc, does that mean it will automatically set up a dual boot with those OSes? Do I execute the mtldr.exe file from DOS/Windows or do I execute it from within KolibriOS?

Re: How do I install to hard drive?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 1:11 am
by dunkaist
kolibrikola wrote:That's weird, why not?
In short, because nobody implemented it.
kolibrikola wrote:And when it says mtldr "works with" DOS/Win95/etc, does that mean it will automatically set up a dual boot with those OSes?
There is no such program as mtldr.exe, you probably meant mtldr_install.exe. That installer tries to set up a dual boot, right.
Please, note that install.txt doesn't mention Windows 7 or 10. I have no idea if mtldr_install.exe works on recent versions of Windows. Maybe other users will answer this question and update documentation.
kolibrikola wrote:Do I execute the mtldr.exe file from DOS/Windows or do I execute it from within KolibriOS?
Windows. KolibriOS can't run EXE programs.

Re: How do I install to hard drive?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:50 am
by Kelikaku
kolibrikola wrote:I've followed the instructions ... How do I install to my hard drive? ...
I used the CD (iso) download, and mounted the iso. There are instructions from within the ISO on how to install to your drive and run from a dedicated folder using "grub" for DOS. I use grub to run several OS's and you still have the option to boot Windows. When your computer POSTs, the grub script takes over and your menu pops up, asking for your choice in OS's.

So once you have the ISO for the live CD, click the iso file to mount it. From there you should be able to view the files in the ISO without having to extract them. Create a folder in the ROOT directory of your desired hard drive (I called mine 'KolibriOS'). Select all the files in the mounted ISO folder, drag and copy them into the new KolibriOS folder. You have just installed the operating system to your hard drive. Now you just need to tell the computer how to find it and when you want it loaded up. You will still be able to use Windows after this.

I have a "dual" boot system now, which runs a menu after POST and asks me to choose which OS I intend to run. The menu will appear after the computer POSTs.

This attached image below, is similar to the screen that will display after POST during your boot process. The first file on display will load automatically if the user does not touch the keyboard. As you see, Windows is one of the options on the menu, but in this script, KolibriOS is at the top of the menu and will be the default (if no keyboard interaction):
Grub4DOS-KolibriOS-screen.png (30.68 KiB)
Viewed 3445 times
You can see by the display, there is a 21 second timeout here. You can edit menu.lst to increase the timeout (I just have mine at something like 999 seconds, so I can walk away from the computer while it boots). ... 01s03.html

Here is an excerpt from the text files from the Kolibiri OS iso files that instruct how to edit your menu.lst file for booting the OS, you only need to add the three instructions after installing grub:

There exist several loaders from hard disk. All are oriented on DOS and Windows
users. Also standard Linux-loader GRUB can be used. All methods work with file
`kolibri.img`. If you already have old version of KolibriOS installed, simply
replace `kolibri.img` to the new one. If you have booted from LiveCD, which does
not contain the file `kolibri.img`, KolibriOS can create it independently. To do
this, run the program `rdsave`, enter the file name for saving and select the
corresponding variant. Of course, in this case KolibriOS must be able to write
to file system of selected partitions. Currently this means that only FAT and
EXT2 volumes are ok.

For old GRUB, add to the configuration file `menu.lst` next lines:

title KolibriOS
kernel (hd[Hard disk number],[partition number])[path]/memdisk
initrd (hd[Hard disk number],[partition number])[path]/kolibri.img
Remember that numeration in GRUB starts from 0. Example:

title KolibriOS
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/memdisk
initrd (hd0,3)/kolibri/kolibri.img

Here are the commands I'm using now to run it, (this is a copy of my "menu.lst" file):

Code: Select all

title KolibriOS (sda1) \nBoot tiny OS Kolibri
  kernel /KolibriOS/memdisk
  initrd /KolibriOS/kolibri.img
So, I have a folder titled "KolibriOS" (in the root of my hard drive) with the important files in it. You may not want it in the root partition, so you should edit the commands to reflect where your Kolibri folder resides. There are two main files; the "kernel" and the "initrd." These are "memdisk" and "kolibri.img" as you can see above. The entire folder contents are simply a copy of the mounted ISO image, which I simply dragged and copied from the iso image file (once the ISO is mounted, you can copy the files, there is no need to extract anything or burn a CD, just the ISO image itself is enough).

This is a link to download the ISO image (60MB):
UPDATE- I just learned that KolibriOS does not like to run from every kind of partition. If your hard drive is: FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, or EXT2 the above directions should work fine. Otherwise, you may want to do something else, for example, what I did was; I created a FAT32 partition on a USB key, and moved the entire KolibriOS folder to it (the OS was inconsistently refusing to recognize my keyboard and mouse). Once I started using the FAT32 partition, the problem disappeared. I altered my menu.lst script to point to the USB key by its UUID, you would only need to do this if your hard drive doesn't have one of the above partitions:

Code: Select all

title KolibriOS (uuid 7233-FC64) \nBoot tiny OS Kolibri
  uuid 7233-FC64
  kernel /KolibriOS/memdisk
  initrd /KolibriOS/kolibri.img
Each drive, floppy disk, CD, and USB key has a unique UUID. Kind of like a fingerprint. You can find the UUID of the drive (in Linux) by typing blkid into a terminal window, and examining the output. In Windows, open a command window and type this: wmic csproduct get UUID.

Hope this is clear as mud. Good luck with it, you should be able to run the software directly from that folder on your hard drive.