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Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:22 am
by Cessnapilot
I am attempting to boot my laptop off a removable hard drive (USB) with Kolibri. I wiped the drive clean and used Win32 disk imager to load the .IMG file I downloaded from Kolibri onto the drive. I configured BIOS to boot from USB.

When I did this, it starts up the BIOS, then goes to a new screen that reads:

Starting System

How can I fix this error? My dive is a 7200 RPM Removable Hard Drive (NTFS) 320GB

Thanks for your help,
Cessna Pilot

Let's just say my SATA adaptop to my hard drive exploded, so I had to cut a part of my motherboard out and am now running my PC from a removable hard drive taped to the monitor XD

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:45 am
by Wildwest
It is 1.40 am now in Russia and everyone already sleep - wait 8-10 hours till developers wake up.
KERNEL MNT ? means - file not found AFAIK

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:25 am
by Cessnapilot
WAIT, my PC has a x64 structure. It worked fine in x32-x86 . Is there a way to get it to work in x86?

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:47 am
by Mario_r4
Any modern processor x86-64 also supports the x86-32 (old protected mode of processor).

Your description is not very accurate.
Сan you describe the items in more detail what you were doing?

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:42 am
by SoUrcerer
You didn't read install instructions from distributive archive. You doing it wrong, read manual first (called hd load )

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:12 am
by Heavyiron
You don't need Win32 disk imager то load the .IMG file. Just copy kolibri.img to your usb drive and run inst.exe from here: ... /USB_Boot/ for usb flash (see readme.txt). If inst.exe can't detect your drive (I'm not sure is it works for USB HDD too), maybe you should use special version of inst.exe from here: download/file.php?id=5455

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:18 pm
by Cessnapilot
art_zh wrote:Cessnapilot
Triple offensive mistake in a simple word "Kolibri" look like a heavy insult of all us developers.
People aren't perfect and make mistakes. You are insulting others and wasting space on this forum. What kind of a developer are you? With an attitude like that, I would fire you for no professionalism, disrespect, incorrect answers, and disability to contribute relevant information.

I wish you the best and have a great day,

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:33 am
by yogev_ezra
Cessnapilot wrote:People aren't perfect and make mistakes. You are insulting others and wasting space on this forum.
I am terribly sorry for art_zh's behavior. I have deleted his offending post now. No one should be treated like that just for making a mistake in our OS name. I was in army reserve service during that time, so I missed this post, and found it out only now. I apologize again for taking measures so late.

Regarding your original question, below are instructions for USB flash disks. It should work the same for USB hard disk:

1. Insert your USB stick into Windows PC and format it with FAT32.
2. Download latest "Universal image Flash/HDD" from here:
3. Unzip the downloaded file with 7zip.
4. Go to folder ..latest-distr\HD_Load\USB_Boot and read file "readme.txt".
5. Run file "inst.exe", select your USB stick and press OK.
6. Copy file ..latest-distr\kolibri.img to the parent directory of USB stick.
7. Try booting from this USB stick (remember to enable USB boot in BIOS, and give it highest priority).
8. Only if it doesn't boot successfully, go to folder ..latest-distr\HD_Load\USB_Boot and run file "setmbr.exe"

If you use Linux, then perform Linux-related instructions at the bottom of "readme.txt".

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:10 am
by ManASM
Soo.. i meet blue screen :lol: .. changed some options with all and always after exist of blue I geting black.. :(
Tied instal by rufus, by kins, inst, and always this same situation.

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:19 am
by ManASM
Maybe should exist some loging to log.txt on usb/floopy to easy provide some info.

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:51 am
by theonlymirage
Debug on blue screen: press C, press key 1, enter, n and photo of the second column of the log.
There is a problem with the graphics, something went wrong. Here is an example of a good log.

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:41 pm
by ManASM
The 2nd part which I made after many experiments.
Resolution - related problem?
PROBLEM_2X.JPG (705.52 KiB)
Viewed 11077 times

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:14 pm
by ManASM
Channel 1 Disk 1 C: NTFS
Channel 2 Disk 0 D: NTFS+Bitlocker
Channel 2 Disk 1 E: NTFS+Bitlocker

There are not visible by NTFS I guess?

What I can meet from rest of logs around drivers/adress?

About log as
K: something i sugesting listing as 1,2,3 eg. can be more easy talks about logs (and save the to small file kOS_sys_log.txt and others eg kOS_critical_log.txt - some dump after crash, or something)

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:12 pm
by theonlymirage
You can turn on the disks visible in BIOS (mode V86) on the blue screen by pressing B and key 1. This problem is not in disks.

I think the problem is in one of the three drivers: vidintel, UHCI, EHCI. Please note that XHCI is not supported (link, only ru language).
It takes time to think ... For the sake of interest, while trying to run the old version KolibriOS Report if the old version works.

Re: Problems installing Kolibri (KERNEL MNT? ERROR)

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:25 pm
by Leency

You need to turn on "C" point at blue screen to get detailed log.
Please, do it and send us a screenshot.
