
Drive subsystem, filesystem drivers
  • Люди репортят, что DosBox зависает при монтировании раздела с EXT4 или запуске файла COM/EXE с него же через DosBox.
    У кого есть ext4, проверьте пожалуйста.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Hey! Can't access a partition with EXT4 file system. KFM brought up the error "File system error", but in the Eolite section (disk) it is not displayed at all. I'm posting a dump of my section (they said 8kb is enough). Hope this helps to find the problem ...
    sda1_8k (8 KiB)
    Downloaded 132 times
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  • turbocat, your partition is formatted with two features enabled that are not supported by the kernel.

    Code: Select all

    s_feature_incompat: Incompatible feature set. If the kernel or e2fsck doesn't understand one of these bits, it will refuse to mount or attempt to repair the filesystem. Any of: 
    0x04 	Filesystem needs journal recovery. (INCOMPAT_RECOVER)
    0x80 	Enable a filesystem size over 2^32 blocks. (INCOMPAT_64BIT)
    https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ ... uper_Block

    Features are checked here.
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