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Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:26 pm
by baggacfreak

I am trying to set up bochs on my nokia n900 smartphone to run kolibrios on it. So far I could get menuetos to boot into the selection screen. To make thinks easier I know try to find out how things work on my old lifebook 700Mhz notebook. I installed plop for usb booting support and I am able to boot into kolibrios 32 bit eng with my usbstick. I copied doom and doom.wad to a folder on the ide hdd and it worked right away. Next step is sound and perhaps fplay which I just happened to see a minute ago. Can you help me with sound setup? By the way is there a project for rdesktop? Would be nice to connect to one of my virtualbox sessions :-) Nice work so far!

Yours baggacfreak

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:23 pm
by SoUrcerer
:shock: Impressive!
Can you show us some photos? I tried to boot Kolibri in qemu-arm on some arm-based devices, but it wasn't useable at all!

As for sound, everything should work if your emulated soundcard is ac'97 compatible. If it's sound blaster 16 compatible, then you should overwrite /rd/1/drivers/sound.obj by /rd/1/drivers/sb16.obj , but i doubt if you can hear any sound from fplay because sb16 drivers wasn't updated to new kernel, afaik.

Thank you for your feedback!

p.s. there are no rdesktop, you can try to use vnc client, but it isn't full-featured yet.

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:03 pm
by baggacfreak

I have to get back my video camera from my dad and then I can show you how far I got so far on the N900. Your are right that it is a arm based device. My problem for now is that the keyboard is not implemented correctly for the bochs n900 port. That is why the selection of the screen resolution can not be set on boot up and bochs settings are default. I wrote somewhere that you need to set up bochs before you get good speeds out of it. Bochs for n900 is a pain in the ass so far, but I will test after work as far as I can get it anyway. Kolibrios is just a great attemded for a os. Noone needs a multicore system for surfing the net or viewing media. Is there a way/how to set up dosbox to start kolibrios? That would be the other solution on my n900.


Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:38 pm
by SoUrcerer
You can setup dosbox to start Kolibri just use kolibrios.img and standard dosbox command called "boot". But it works unstable.

As for blue screen at the start... There are special version called kernel-cfg, where configs are stored in special cfg file. I don't know much about it, but I can find info about it for you.

Yeah, you're right, even very old PC can surf the web and show movies :) But, as for now, there are no modern web browser :( We're working for it, though

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:38 pm
by baggacfreak I will try vnc server on my n900 tomorrow and see whether I can use the remote keyboard to select different solution and see what speed I can get on my bochs n900 setup. Perhaps I can screen capture the result, too. Hope work is not getting in between.

P.S.: Try to give me a how to for dosbox because within dosbox keyboard layout is much more supported in n900!

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:55 pm
by SoUrcerer
Oh, wait, you want access Kolibri using vnc? Sorry, vnc is only client, not server yet :(
But you can use qemu as vnc-server though, and may be bochs too.

About dosbox: I just booted into command line, then type "boot kolibri.img". That's all.

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:18 am
by baggacfreak
No you did not understand what I meant. I can start kolibrios with bochs on my smartphone and then access my smartphone with vnc viewer on my pc becuase there is a vnc server for maemo the os of my smartphone. I will give it a try tomorrow and your suggestion for dosbox, too. cu

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:42 pm
by baggacfreak

had to work very long today, but here some results of my testing. I set up x11vnc a vnc server for the n900 and I am now able to log into the n900 from my pc. Tomorrow I will install a screencapture software and try to film my progress. On the bochs side I got a custom key set to cursor up and could change the screen resolution to 640x480 and 320x240. Last one ended in a funny colored screen. But 640x480 work fine just some parts on the bottom are out of the screen. Keyboard and mouse were not properly included in the bochs for n900 package. So I need to make a custom keyboard setting and the mouse seems to be offset (perhaps because of the n900 upperscreen and the bochs upperscreen. Concerning bochs settings I got a 0001MHz view on startup of kolibrios with the default ips value 2000000. Changed it to 10000000 and it displayed 0009Mhz boot time did not change. Perhaps I can better speed within the os this way. So let's wait for tomorrow and perhaps a short video of the booting.


Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:15 pm
by SoUrcerer
:D It'll work VERY "fast" with such speed. Although, you can run some apps and even play some games on your n900. May be you should try qemu-i386 for your OS.

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:11 pm
by baggacfreak
Hi, here is a video with my work in progress.

Comments welcome!

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:37 pm
by SoUrcerer
Cool! Thank you!
But it works much more slower, than on my Rover Evo X8 (Windows Mobile 6.5, 600 or 800 MHz, 128Mb RAM) in Qemu.
Also, you should try nightly build, it should work faster:

Re: Kolibrios on Nokia N900 through bochs

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:19 pm
by baggacfreak

I will give it a try tomorrow. My settings were 2000000 for ips on bochs perhaps tweaking helps to speed things up. Is there a way to access the Menu on the bottom because it is out of site on the n900?