Compiling the kernel

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • You doing everything right. The kernel in is compressed using kerpack (you can find this programm in kolibri.img).
    Из хаоса в космос
  • I now tried to use the kpack.exe to pack the kernel.mnt file i compiler, it's now almost the same size, 67.2Kb. I then copied this file into the kolibri.img file, overwriting the existing kernel.mnt. Then used ImgBurn and made a bootable .iso from the modified kolibri.img file.

    But when i tried booting from that .iso in VMWare it stoped at "Starting System...............".

    Any clue what might be wrong? The kernel.asm i compiled is the original kernel.asm from the source download, I've not modified it in any way. Want to be able to compile and test before i start trying to modify the code.
  • I figured it out!

    When i copied the file onto the Ram Drive in KolibriOS and then saved a new image and then made an iso from that image it worked. I used MagicISO earlier to copy the kernel into the kolibri.img file.

    But thanks anyway for your comment/help...
  • kpack.exe - for applications
    kerpack - (Kolibri binary executable) - for kernel.mnt
  • Hi,

    Sorry to pop-up in the middle of your discussion but I have a related question...

    First let me tell you I just love what you are doing: an assembly OS that releases all the capabilities of the hardware for the applications, and applications that preserve performance for the end-user has been my dream for years.

    Consequently I like to get a look at your code: using Windows and Linux, I can modify and compile the kernel, write in kolibri.img, boot on USB, but I cannot easily compress yet. Actually I would like to recompile kerpack as an .exe to be able to compile and compress at once (I am using Windows for compilation).

    **And my question comes here**: kerpack.asm is missing in kolibri_0.7.7.0_src/programs/system/kerpack. It should be there since it is referred by keypack.bat. I cannot find it also in the other packages of Kolibri

    Is there a way to get kerpack.asm or kerpack.exe somewhere?

    Thanks in advance.
  • illys wrote:kerpack.asm is missing in kolibri_0.7.7.0_src/programs/system/kerpack. It should be there since it is referred by keypack.bat. I cannot find it also in the other packages of Kolibri
    Fixed in the latest night build (
  • Thanks for your fast reply! I'll go on.
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