Kolibri Image Viewer

Processing, playback of audio and video
  • Aha, now I got it!
  • Should be fixed in r7726.
  • There is another issue: the number of images in /sys/ is not 87. There are only 5 images.
    download.png (16.4 KiB)
    Viewed 7821 times
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  • + we need a toolbar icon for switching between autosize <-> fullsize with scroll
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  • Leency wrote:There is another issue: the number of images in /sys/ is not 87. There are only 5 images.
    Fixed in r7860.
    Leency wrote:+ we need a toolbar icon for switching between autosize <-> fullsize with scroll
    I added required logic and an icon stub.
    Please, update the icon if you have a better one.
    The text color on the button is specified here.
  • Tested, works well! But found out that toolbar image has artefacts in the middle
    kivtb.png (3.48 KiB)
    Viewed 7632 times
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  • Fixed in r7862.
  • As my real PC supports 1920x1080 so KIV window was too small there and I always needed to make it bigger.
    Now I don't need to do this anymore. Starting from #7879:
    KIV: save window size and position, if not set it will use 2/3 of screen
    + now I know slightly how IDIV and MUL works.
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  • #8945 fixed rolled-up bug https://prnt.sc/16uz1nf

    It would be nice to add a mention about image dimensions (title? status bar?), as well as save/convert icon (opens a pop-up window where you can change image depth, and format (png/bmp/raw)).
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