Help to install KolibriOS, to hard disk.

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • apparently ran the flash program from Windows

    That is right, did it from win95, and from c:/ aflash /aflash2/ aflash.exe with
    355r01d0.bin and Msg.dat inside aflash2 directory.

    I may copy win98 instalation disk files into a c:/ flashit directory 4 instance, aside with
    Msg.dat and 335r01d0.bin and aflash.exe.

    But Dont get the picture about the next:
    try updating the bios using the filename 355r01d0.bin (that
    filename contains number zeroes

    What do u mean saying that 355r01d0 is binary file full with 000´s (not O letters).?
  • " try updating the bios using the filename 355r01d0.bin (that
    filename contains number zeroes

    I mean if people don't pay attention, easy to mistakenly type filename 355r01d0.bin using
    capital letter 'O's instead of numeral zeros. And then wonder why the program can't find the file... :roll:
  • Thats true and is what happened to me first time, cause i forgot to
    write .bin file extension..

    Attached is partial current everest report, that shows the change in bios version.

    About to open the notebook to flash it, i can make it, but may be have to build
    some programmer and find the right software to drive it.

    I use JDM programmer and ponyprog to flash 24cxx and 93cxx eeproms, but dont
    know if pony is able to handle 355´s ROMs.
    Downloaded 250 times
  • OK, if you can boot to Win95 and KolibriOS, then the flash was apparently successful.
    Remember your 1st video? look here;
    see the bios identification string - well if you do the same boot again
    and look at where that bios identification string is on the screen, now
    it should show the updated bios identification string ( so it has changed). Yes?

    Please don't do anymore flashing 'off the bat' because if the flash was successful
    there is no point!
    EDIT: the bios flash updated the motherboard bios, and the video bios, so you may
    or may not find that video problems are less evident. At least with the bios flashed,
    whatever problems, whereever in the laptop, that the Acer makers previously found
    and issued the bios update to fix, are now fixed (or patched.)... .
    So play around with the video side of things again, but again, Please dont do anymore
    flashing, there is no point.
    There is something else that mario_R4 may be able to do, I've PM'd him about it,
    so best to wait until he returns from land of nod.
  • I should open 355 to take battery out, to get that error message and see current

    But making aflash /bv , I can see (attached).
    PICT0055.JPG (100.64 KiB)
    Viewed 7187 times
  • BTW, please dont panic about my extensa 355 final destination.

    Have no valuable info inside the HDD, and machine itself is used just for hear
    music or to learn something in the way testing KolibriOS 4 instance.

    So if she passes away, I will not miss her at all.

    I am also known as EasyFlasher now. :lol:
  • Interesting. The update bin file only has 'D0' with no 'EN' after - its blank in the actual update
    bin file, there are spaces there. I think maybe what has happened, is that the bios makers,
    instead of intending to flash that particular small cells where the 'EN' lives, instead put space
    (nothing) there in the update bin file, and I guess the Acer flash program when it sees the
    spaces, 'knows' not to flash over that particular cells? Kind of makes sense, - no point in flash
    replacing a little cell with data 'EN' , if it already has 'EN' in it -
    so it does not disturb the original 'EN'.
    Incidently, 'EN' probably stand for english (language).
    So I wouldn't worry about that.
  • Something a lil off topic.

    Have found real time clock IC bq3285 , which appears to be blistered or burned.
    PICT0110.JPG (1013.71 KiB)
    Viewed 7132 times
  • Did you check the assembly which sits above that chip normally?
    Perhaps something that sits above it gets too hot, and presses or is being pressed
    against the chip when the assemblies flex or when someone is pressing down on the
    keys on the keyboard...
    There are other electrical possible reasons for that damage, I won't go into that,
    the chip itself seems to be working OK.
    (Incidently, if you can see the 65550 chip , then read all the alphanumeric characters
    on the video chip 65550, so we can be certain of what manufacturing revision it is.)
    So the modetest video you did, only the 24 bit (~16Million colours) modes were obviously
    unusable, - er, I've lost track of where your ability to boot/go into KoilbriOS is at present...
  • T65550 B
    TM4082C 9709 -b

    C19527 00

    Right now, laptop is opened, but i can load win 95 and KolibriOS OK.
  • All good then.
    I understand you can attach a second monitor to the laptop, with possibly
    simultaneous video output to both laptop LCD and 2nd monitor.. does that work?
  • yes, they both work.
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