translate kolibri

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
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    Note that we use CP866 in files with russian letters, that's why text strings are located in different files.
  • Ok.
  • HI, it has been a while since I translated last time.

    I've updated my svn local copy and made some change, now I'm trying to translate the game c4, it's not that difficult, but I've some issue with the compilation.

    Looking at 15, arcanoid & arcanni the language was specified throug an external file:, and I tried to do the same thing with this program.

    1st difference: I had to compile it with nasm and not fasm
    I'm not an assembler programmer, but what does it implies? Isn't the language the same?

    2nd difference:
    in the other source codes external file where added with the " include 'filename' " command, in this programm they are added with the " %include 'filename' " command.
    Again, why this difference and what does it imply?

    I created the file and made some tries including the file with the two commands specified above, (I've made no other difference), but I can't compile the source code anymore:
    1st attempt:
    include ''
    c4.asm:24: error: parser: instruction expected
    make: *** [it] Error 1

    %include ''
    error: error: parser: instruction expected
    make: *** [it] Error 1

    how should I proceed? What I'm trying to obtain is a lang variable, so that I can write some if-else statements.

    update, ok, i managed to add the language variable, the fil lang has to be something like: lang equ 'it'
    and not lang fix it

    but how do I write an if-else statement?


    Code: Select all

    if lang equ 'it'
            db	"Nuova partita",0
            db	"New game",0
        end if
    i obtain the following error:

    Code: Select all

    c4.asm:768: error: parser: instruction expected
    c4.asm:772: error: parser: instruction expected
    c4.asm:917: error: symbol `end' redefined
    make: *** [it] Error 1

    thanks in advance!
  • fedesco wrote: 1st difference: I had to compile it with nasm and not fasm
    I'm not an assembler programmer, but what does it implies? Isn't the language the same?


    It's different compilers Assembler. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. If the program is written using NASM syntax, then it can not be compiled with the compiler FASM without changes. You can change the code so that the compiler can understand it, but it takes time and extra effort.

    As for your next question - is already syntaxis that uses NASM and need to read the documentation for the compiler.
    Всем чмоки в этом проекте! Засуньте эти 11 лет себе в жопу!
  • Try this with NASM:

    Code: Select all

    %define lang  'it'
    %if lang = 'it'
            db   "Nuova partita",0
            db   "New game",0
  • ok, thank you very much for your response, i've compiled the program successfully with the translation, but I have still a problem.

    In italian some expression are longer in englihs (i mean that the string of character are longer), and the box designed for the program are not long enough, i've attached a screenshot.

    Is it ok if I simply upload the program with the translation and someone else tries to fix it (redesign partially the application) or should I try to fix it? I fear it's a little bit to much for me, I've tried to do something, but... it didnt really work

    In the image you can't for example read "Nuova partita" ("new game"), but only "nuova par" or "giocatore x", but only "giocatore" ("player x", where x is 1 or 2) and "CPU livello x" but only "lo x" ("cpu level x", where x is 1, ... , 8 )
    Schermata-1.png (2.96 KiB)
    Viewed 4350 times
  • probably you can change the design in the same way in c4.asm like

    %if lang = 'it'
    LABEL_PL1TYPE_X equ (LABEL_PL1_X + 10*10)
    LABEL_PL1TYPE_X equ (LABEL_PL1_X + 10*6)
  • In c4.asm:

    Code: Select all

    ; button dimensions
    %if lang = 'it'
    	      BUTTON_NEW_WIDTH equ 56 + 28			
    	      BUTTON_NEW_WIDTH equ 56			
    ; label dimensions
    %if lang = 'it'
    	      LABEL_PL1_X		equ	90 + 10			
    	      LABEL_PL1_X		equ	90		
    %if lang = 'it'
            LABEL_PL1TYPE_X		equ	(LABEL_PL1_X + 10*6 - 4)	
            LABEL_PL1TYPE_X		equ	(LABEL_PL1_X + 10*6)		
    istruc LABEL
    	at LABEL.position
    %if lang = 'it'
    	dd playertypes+PL1TYPE_INIT*PLAYERTYPELEN
    	dd MOS_RGB(255,255,255)
    	dd MOS_RGB(0,0,0)
    istruc LABEL
    	at LABEL.position
    %if lang = 'it'
    	dd playertypes+PL2TYPE_INIT*PLAYERTYPELEN
    	dd MOS_RGB(255,255,255)
    	dd MOS_RGB(0,0,0)
  • Ok, thank you very much for the help, but I still have some problem with the dimension of the images, probably I forgot something, even if I checked the code more times, I'll attach it...

    Again; thank you very much!
    Schermata.png (2.38 KiB)
    Viewed 4334 times
    c4.asm (20.22 KiB)
    Downloaded 157 times
  • Ok, somehow I managed to solve the issue with spacing an the languages, thank you very much
  • Now kernel sources are in UTF; binary still uses 1-byte codepages. You can change message encodings use FASM macros.
  • SoUrcerer wrote:Now kernel sources are in UTF; binary still uses 1-byte codepages. You can change message encodings use FASM macros.
    Seriously? That is a great news!
  • Yeah. USB stack in trunk now too, and may be even network branch
  • Good work SoUrcerer!
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