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  • hidnplayr, I think binaries should be kept separately from source codes, and I suggested the fourth folder in the root of repository. As an alternative, we could also have the separate repository e.g. on other port, but this is probably less convenient.
    I don't think we need to update all build scripts - current build_all.bat and makefile do their work, which is to compile all available sources - some of them can be not in the distro. I think that creating of image is a separate task which requires a separate script, and the output of this script should be in folder outside of the folder with repository.
  • I proposed to update build script, to make it easier to not forget to update binary, when uploading new code to the SVN.
    It may be usefull, but it's not nescessary.

    I'm glad we at least agree that binaries should not be in the same folders as the source :)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • hidnplayr, most binaries can be built automatically, ideally the build system would compile all sources in the repository and would need only binaries with no sources and config files.
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  • So you propose to eventually evolve to a system on wich updates of most binaries is handled by the server?
    Or to place on SVN only the binaries of the programs that are not written in FASM or not open source ?
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • Yes.
    Right now - yes, in the future - add other compilators too.
  • Ok, what are you waiting for? ;)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • First, I'm waiting for the end of this discussion. Second, right now I cannot setup anything in the server because I have only FTP access.
  • 1). Hey, we are talking (I hope) not only about executable binaries but also art (skins, wallpapers, icons, fonts), tools (for fonts 'compiling', system installing, floppy/cd/usb/hd images making) and docs (install.txt, etc.). :?:

    2). I think, we should put all of them into a separate repo rather just a separate folder, because there would be too many unnecessary directories and data in the main repository. However, it's not so important for me. It's for you to decide.
  • 1) Yes, I have mentioned "config files".
  • CleverMouse,

    I only mentioned that our current SVN is now 100% development repository and shouldn't be mixed with any publishing mess.

    If you want to add a separate section of SVN for publishing purposes only - I'm with you.
  • So the current plan is: create the folder svn://kolibrios.org/data, which will be the fourth folder in the repository root, two subfolders /data/rus and /data/eng and upload all data required for build - some binaries and configs - there. I'll prepare the data and wait a few for corrections of the plan.
  • I have uploaded all required data to the repository. Build is controlled by makefile, so one can change e.g. list of programs by committing to Makefile. I have tried to comment and simplify maintaining it, so it should be not too hard for anyone to modify Makefile.

    Currently only FASM things are built automatically; others are uploaded as plain binaries. Probably this will change to support more languages.

    The build results can be downloaded at http://builds.kolibrios.org/. All suggestions on design improvements are welcome. Currently they are not updated automatically, but we are working on this.
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  • CleverMouse
    Thanks! It is good job!
    But the END application is very fat - we need find oldest code.
  • "But the END application is very fat - we need find oldest code." - yes, I noted that, but the old code doesn't seem to be in the repository anymore.
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