CPUID - характеристики центрального процессора

  • No problems with mentorship, this student just don't want to work from the start and don't show any results for successful finish of project.

    BTW, mat1854 banned for 1) personal insults during GSOC and after it, 2) constant lying, 3) this demarche.
  • Тема сообщения: Re: bug fix
    От: mat1854
    Отправлено: Ср авг 24, 2016 11:09 pm
    Получатель: Wildwest
    Ok I will put the version in forum. but the thing is last time when I did the SVN commit, that version was working fine when I compiled, but Pathoswithin had to change paths for the SVN commit.

    So now if I keep the paths the way Pathoswithin changed to, it don't compile. But I will submit the compiled version in forum.

    Also, for the last question, I didn't mean anything specific to you. I had bad experience in the beginning when I started looking at open source organizations and that's just my thought that may help the program. Otherwise, there were so many other questions specifically about mentor, where I have always said that you were very helpful and the discussion we had helped me in solving whatever problem was in hand. and whatever things are left, I don't blame you for that.

    I had a great experience with GSoC and KolibriOS and that's what I have said. Please don't take anything personal because that thing doesn't concern KolibriOS at all.
  • The link to IBM site here viewtopic.php?f=42&t=594&start=135#p65711 shows that this student don't understand anything in CPUID instruction at the midterm. And it was one of the reasons why I asked others mentors to think on failing her at midterm.
  • Wildwest
    Have you informed mat1854, that if she will not speed up her progress she is going to fail?
    And to be sure, that we also have no problems with moderatorship, can you post an examples of lying and personal insults during GSOC?
  • Pathoswithin, first of all, I want to see how you apologise for your behavior.
  • Well, seems like we do have problems with moderatorship, and maybe with mentorship (not sure). Anyway, straight to business.

    Even if Wildwest never told you, that you are going to fail, you should have known, that to pass final evaluation, you must do all the things from the time-line of the final PDF proposal, that you have submitted in the beginning, or at least more than 75% of them. Since you have received pass on midterm evaluation in advance (and you should realize that), Wildwest could have asked you to do up to 50% of work, even if he was intend to fail you.

    About your request. The rules of GSoC says clearly:
    6. Students.
    6.6. Responsibilities.
    a) Each accepted Student will perform all necessary additional steps required for the Student to participate in the Program, including:
    iv) publishing his or her Project code in a publicly accessible location and under an Open Source Initiative approved license of the Organization’s choice.

    The code, that once have been published by the owner under an Open Source license (at least GPL), can not be forbidden to be used by anyone and anywhere, except the restrictions of the license. Moreover, you have failed to do the proper code submission, cause Google requires to submit the difference between the initial and resulting code, not just the sources. You should have opened your repo by committing the initial sources, and then your changes. So now, it's even hard to say, which code is yours.
  • Bug report:
    Program crashes, KolibriOS img rev6558
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Code: Select all

            mov     edi, img_area
    include 'gif_lite.inc'        ; parse GIF files
    Видимо проблема в вызовах "call load_gif2". В новых ревизиях потерялся include вместе с файлами. В ревизии 6486 оно еще есть.
  • Facepalm include way...

    revision #6608
  • Если нет возражений, то я планирую заняться доработкой cpuid и для начала хочу:
    • Пофиксить вывод codename на некоторых процессорах
    • Заменить кнопки на нативные
    • Убрать отображение RAM. Т.к. для этого теперь есть sysmon.
    cpuid-2.29.png (17.48 KiB)
    Viewed 11774 times
  • Sh@dy
    Поддерживаю, давно пора было заняться CPUID. Его UI напоминает кашу по сравнению с аналогами:
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Исправил все три пункта. В заголовке оставил только название и версию, надеюсь авторы не против.

    Todo на будущее:
    • Вытащить код определения из обработчика отрисовки;
    • Поправить сохранение в файл. Сейчас несколько пунктов записываются неправильно;
    • Уменьшить логотипы, объединить в один файл (png?);
    cpuid-2.30.png (12.5 KiB)
    Viewed 11739 times
    cpuid-2.30.zip (51.97 KiB)
    Downloaded 265 times
    cpuid (19.61 KiB)
    Downloaded 279 times
  • Выглядит намного лучше.

    Один файл для изображений хорошая идея. Можно PNG, BMP можно и RAW - смотри как в коде проще.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Я вручную оптимизировал все картинки и пережал их без потери качества.
    cpuid_2.31.zip (177.78 KiB)
    Downloaded 261 times
    cpuid (14.18 KiB)
    Downloaded 274 times
    Из хаоса в космос
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