
Discussing libraries simplifying applications development
  • Лог сборки Mesa
    mesa-build.7z (10.33 KiB)
    Downloaded 389 times
  • ок, удалю вечером все, соберусь по чистому и отпишусь

    удалил все, взял последнюю,

    Code: Select all

    At revision: 5176

    Запустил все собирать как писал раньше, ошибка все та же...
    Пока идей нет
  • pascualle
    Проблема решилась ?
    Мне не удалось воспроизвести ошибку. Для проверки сделал экспорт contrib #5141 и собрал под msys и debian linux. Разницы нет, всё собирается (хотя mesa линкуется несколько раз, где-то косяк с зависимостями)
    build_sdk.7z (26.48 KiB)
    Полные логи сборки sdk
    Downloaded 365 times
  • (правка: удалено по причине не верной информации сообщения)
    Last edited by pascualle on Fri Nov 28, 2014 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • pascualle
    Чудеса. У меня есть и yacc и bison. Я знаю, что они не должны вызываться. Сам писал мейкфайлы.
    Ты можешь сделать лог полной сборки mesa с yacc и bison?
  • В #5190 добавил разбивку командной строки на параметры
    Скомпилированные DLL и библиотеки импорта
    cmdline.png (9.28 KiB)
    Viewed 11379 times
  • Serge,
    нашел причину: затесался cygwin/bin в переменную PATH
    (моя беда -- другим наука)
  • Hello,

    I've been playing with newlib and the cross compiler for some time now. I decided to write some C and assembly code that would enable us to have "wrappers" for calling assembly libraries (http.obj, box_lib.obj and others) directly from C. Since I don't use Windows, I'm trying to avoid the MS COFF format, and sticking to the COFF format.

    dll.asm :

    Code: Select all

     __DEBUG__       = 1
    __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 1
    format coff
    use32                                   ; Tell compiler to use 32 bit instructions
    include ''
    include ''
    include ''
    purge section,mov,add,sub
    include ''
    include ''
    include ''
    include ''
    public init_network as '_init_network'
    public dll.Load as '_dll_load'
    section '.flat' code	
    proc init_network
    	mcall 68,11
    	stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
    	;; stdcall new_dll_load, @IMPORT
            test    eax, eax
            jnz     error
    	mov eax, 0xAABBCCDD
    	mcall -1
    	mov eax, 0xEEFF8899
    	mcall -1
    library lib_http,               'http.obj'
    import  lib_http, \
            HTTP_get,               'get', \
            HTTP_post,              'post', \
            HTTP_receive,           'receive', \
            HTTP_find_header_field, 'find_header_field', \
            HTTP_free,              'free', \
            HTTP_escape,            'escape'

    Code: Select all

    extern void init_network(void);
    int main()
      __asm__ volatile("int3"::);
      __asm__ volatile("int3"::);
      return 0;
    Compiling with :

    alias kgcc='~/i586-kos32/kos32/bin/i586-kos32-gcc -I/home/user/kolibrios/contrib/sdk/sources/newlib/libc/include'

    fasm dll.asm dll.obj
    kgcc dll.c dll.obj -o DLLFILE

    Shifting this DLLFILE to KolibriOS. The program starts running, but the address for the CALL instruction in the final executable is wrong. It points to a few bytes before the address of where dll.Load procedure is loaded. In my case, The dll.Load is at address 0xC460 but the STDCALL dll.Load line calls the address 0xC44A .

    Using mtdbg, if I fix the address from 0xC44A to 0xC460, the library loading seems to work fine (evident from correct value loaded into EAX). What could be going wrong?

    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Hi again.

    I've written some code to interface C with our assembly network library procedures and it feels good to see C being able to load libraries at run time. Binary for Kolibri is also attached to post.


    Code: Select all

     __DEBUG__       = 1
    __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 1
    format coff
    use32                                   ; Tell compiler to use 32 bit instructions
    include ''
    include ''
    include ''
    purge section,mov,add,sub
    include ''
    include ''
    include ''
    include ''
    virtual at 0
            http_msg http_msg
    end virtual
    public init_network as '_init_network'
    public open_site as '_open_site'
    public dll.Load as '_dll_load'
    public dll.Link as '_dll_link'
    public dll.Init as '_dll_init'
    public mem.Alloc as '_mem_alloc'
    public mem.ReAlloc as '_mem_realloc'
    section '.flat' code	
    proc init_network
    	mcall 68,11
    	stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
    	;; stdcall new_dll_load, @IMPORT
            test    eax, eax
            jnz     error
    	mov eax, 0xAABBCCDD
    	mov eax, 0xEEFF8899
    	mcall -1
    proc open_site
    	mov eax, identifier
    	invoke  HTTP_get, sz_url, 0, 0, 0
            test    eax, eax
            jz      error2
            mov     [identifier], eax
            invoke  HTTP_receive, [identifier]
            test    eax, eax
            jnz     .again
    	mov eax, [identifier]
    	add eax, 32
    	mov ebx, [eax]
    	DEBUGF 1, "The content is : %s", ebx
    	mcall -1
    library lib_http,               'http.obj'
    import  lib_http, \
            HTTP_get,               'get', \
            HTTP_post,              'post', \
            HTTP_receive,           'receive', \
            HTTP_find_header_field, 'find_header_field', \
            HTTP_free,              'free', \
            HTTP_escape,            'escape'
    public HTTP_get as '_http_get'
    public HTTP_post as '_http_post'
    public HTTP_receive as '_http_receive'
    public HTTP_find_header_field as '_http_find_header_field'
    public HTTP_free as '_http_free'
    public HTTP_escape as '_http_escape'
    sz_url                  db ''
    identifier              dd 0

    Code: Select all

    extern void init_network(void);
    extern void open_site(void);
    #define NULL 0
    int main()
      __asm__ volatile("int3"::);
      return 0;

    Compile/Link as usual and run the binary.

    To get your hands dirty without compiling, this is how you should run the binary in MTDBG:

    Code: Select all

      load dllhttpbin
      bp c463
      r eip=c479
      d eax
      <Now keep pressing d to see the site's content>
    dllhttp (49.79 KiB)
    binary for KolibriOS
    Downloaded 338 times
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Fixed the address issue for CALL instructions by moving the line

    Code: Select all

    section '.flat' code
    to before the line where we include all .inc files

    This fixes the issue and I was able to create a wrapper for calling http.obj procedures as C functions.
    Thank you for the cross compiler, Serge. It has really made life easier ;)
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Здравствуйте. У меня Linux Mint 32bit. Поставил mingw под wine 1.8, закинул libiconv-2 в ~/.wine/drive_c/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/autobuild/tools/win32/bin/, в ~/.wine/drive_d/ - папочку kolibri/sdk (как в статье "Пишем на языке С/C++ в Windows под KolibriOS / Хабрахабр"). Получаю ошибки при компиляции libc и примера:

    $ export PATH=$PATH:/home/autobuild/tools/win32/bin
    $ cd /d/kolibri/contrib/sdk/sources/newlib/libc
    $ make shared
    kos32-gcc -c -O2 -fno-ident -fomit-frame-pointer -fexceptions -DBUILD_DLL -DMISSING_SYSCALL_NAMES -D_IEEE_LIBM -DHAVE_RENAME -I ./include -o crt/crtdll.o crt/crtdll.c
    make: *** [crt/crtdll.o] Error 1

    $ cd /d/work
    $ make
    kos32-gcc -c -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-ident -U__WIN32__ -U_Win32 -U_WIN32 -
    U__MINGW32__ -U_MSC_VER -I/d/kolibri/contrib/sdk/sources/newlib/libc/include -o
    simple.o simple.c
    make: *** [simple.o] Error 1
  • AlexKaz
    Не знаю чем помочь. Wine я не пользовался. А Msys установлен, или только папка есть ?
    Если надо я могу написать, как собрать косскомпилятор.
  • Оо, всё отлично, понадобилось скопировать все библиотеки из ~/.wine/drive_c/MinGW/bin/ в ~/.wine/drive_c/MinGW/msys/1.0/home/autobuild/tools/win32/bin/ =) и fasm.exe воткнуть туда же..
  • Hi

    This is regarding the isspace() function in C:

    If I build the spacer.c file with this process:

    kos32-gcc -c -I/home/bob/kolibrios/contrib/sdk/sources/newlib/libc/include -g -U_Win32 -U_WIN32 -U__MINGW32__ space.c kolibri_debug.c

    kos32-ld space.o kolibri_debug.o -T/home/bob/kolibrios/contrib/sdk/sources/newlib/libc/ -nostdlib -static --image-base 0 -lgcc -L/home/autobuild/tools/win32/mingw32/lib /home/autobuild/tools/win32/lib/libdll.a /home/autobuild/tools/win32/lib/libapp.a /home/autobuild/tools/win32/lib/libc.dll.a -static -o spacer

    objcopy -O binary spacer

    If I run this file on Kolibri, isspace() shows False for all integers in 0-10 except 0.
    10 should be true. Right?
    It also returns true for isspace('a').

    I checked the implementation of isspace.c / isspace() function, and it seems like it does

    Code: Select all

    #define _S 010
    int _DEFUN(isspace,(c),int c)
    	return(__ctype_ptr__[c+1] & _S);
    Is this correct?
    spacer (1.71 KiB)
    Binary to run on Kolibri
    Downloaded 301 times
    kolibri_debug.c (318 Bytes)
    debug file for debug_board_write_str
    Downloaded 296 times
    space.c (574 Bytes)
    Source code
    Downloaded 290 times
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
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