Xbox original as kolibri os platform?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Try this:

    Code: Select all

    ---	(revision 6595)
    +++	(working copy)
    @@ -156,6 +156,13 @@
             push    ebx esi
    +        cmp     ah, 1                           ; Bypass bug in XBOX HW
    +        je      .pci_read_reg_err
    +        cmp     ah, 2                           ; Bypass bug in XBOX HW
    +        je      .pci_read_reg_err
             cmp     byte [BOOT_VARS+0x9020], 2;what mechanism will we use?
             je      pci_read_reg_2
    PS: It's very annoying that this system has no serial port we can use for debugging...
    Also, I'm still not sure that kolibrios will find the LFB address...
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • The xbox originals are cheap and would be a nice platform which can be bought via ebay or fleamarkets around the world. Even if we only get the vesa support with 800x600 which would work on most old tv sets. The system would still represent a good hardware. 700Mhz 64 MB Ram nvideo video and audio (alsa compatible) with the usb adapter usb keyboard and mouse and hdd included. So a setup would cost around 100 Euros or even less if one is lucky. That is way I will make more tests. Perhaps using the hda1 for the image or another memdisk or alike would help. If I set up qemu, I will give that one a try, too! Perhaps some russian speaking user can get to some of the devs not reading the english section, please ;-)
  • hidnplayr wrote:Try this:

    Code: Select all

    ---	(revision 6595)
    +++	(working copy)
    @@ -156,6 +156,13 @@
             push    ebx esi
    +        cmp     ah, 1                           ; Bypass bug in XBOX HW
    +        je      .pci_read_reg_err
    +        cmp     ah, 2                           ; Bypass bug in XBOX HW
    +        je      .pci_read_reg_err
             cmp     byte [BOOT_VARS+0x9020], 2;what mechanism will we use?
             je      pci_read_reg_2
    PS: It's very annoying that this system has no serial port we can use for debugging...
    Also, I'm still not sure that kolibrios will find the LFB address...
    I am not a developer myself, so I can only test if someone sends me a patched img file. Would a usb to serial adapter work? The Controller ports from xbox original are usb plus 1 sync line. That is how I got my usbstick as memory card onto the system!
  • USB to serial converter is not useful to debug early kernel boot stage I'm afraid (USB stack would not be running yet..)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • With the information from the link someone might get kos on the xbox up and running. I will try some different setups and qemu or bochs, too. But at the moment work keeps me bussy. If someone can make a modified kos image and give me a link to download, than I will test that also. Maybe weekend is more time left for this :roll:
  • For debugging there seems to be 2 ways:

    "With a developer box or bios you can do it via network cable over neighbourhood the xbox also has an i2c debug port on the lpc headder "
  • yes, I²C seems like a good plan.
    I have the xbox prepared but am currently in the process of re-building my lab so no time to work on it right now.
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • I am ill at the moment and more interessted in playing with open mips and linux on our next retro meeting. Kolibri OS always ment more time an relaxing and taking the time. So no worries!
  • Hi,

    as off now noone worked on a direct port to the classic xbox. What you could try is install linux on the xbox and use qemu within that linux to start kolibri os. Would be nice to see what kind of speed one would get out off this.
  • Than just use one off those tricks all over youtube. I got the needed game for little money and made an usb adpater myself.
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