
High-level languages programming questions
  • GMac wrote:would I use a tool for example exe2asm
    You may use compiler option "-r", which mean "Write asm file only, do not compile or link".
    For example:
    fbc -r "MyProgram.bas"
    After that file in project folder "MyProgram.asm" will be created.
  • Can you use the rtl of FreeBasic, without port it to kolibri? for example stdlib.
  • Hello,
    Can you intergrer to KolibriOS a basic compiler language ?
    Because asssembleur is very hard :x !
  • MrSiuol wrote:Hello,
    Can you intergrer to KolibriOS a basic compiler language ?
    Because asssembleur is very hard :x !
    We have FreeBasic available - please check this topic.
  • Thank you,
    But it is not intergrer to Kolibrios like Fasm, it goes through windows !
  • This is updated frame example that uses these frame border styles: raised, sunken, etched, ridged.

    Code: Select all

     ' Event Constants
      Const REDRAW_EVENT = 1
      Const KEY_EVENT    = 2
      Const BUTTON_EVENT = 3
      Const MOUSE_EVENT  = 6
      ' Window Style Constants
      Const WS_SKINNED_FIXED    = &H4000000
      Const WS_SKINNED_SIZABLE  = &H3000000
      Const WS_FIXED            = &H0000000
      Const WS_SIZABLE          = &H2000000
      Const WS_FILL_TRANSPARENT = &B1000000000000000000000000000000
      Const WS_FILL_GRADIENT    = &B10000000000000000000000000000000
      Const WS_COORD_CLIENT     = &B100000000000000000000000000000
      Const WS_CAPTION          = &B10000000000000000000000000000
     ' Caption styles
      Const CAPTION_MOVABLE     = &H00000000
      Const CAPTION_NONMOVABLE  = &H01000000
     ' FR_FLAGS
      Const FR_CAPTION = &B00001
      Const FR_DOUBLE  = &B00000
      Const FR_RAISED  = &B00010
      Const FR_SUNKEN  = &B00100
      Const FR_ETCHED  = &B00110
      Const FR_RIDGED  = &B01000
      Const FR_FILLED  = &B10000
      Const FR_TEXT_POS_BOTTOM = 1
      Const FR_TEXT_POS_TOP    = 0
      Type Size
        Height As UShort
        Width  As UShort
      End Type
      Type Frame
        Style         As ULong
        Width         As UShort
        Left          As UShort
        Height        As UShort
        Top           As UShort
        Outer_color   As ULong
        Inner_color   As ULong
        Flags         As ULong
        Text          As ZString Ptr
        Text_position As ULong
        Font          As ULong
        Font_height   As ULong
        Fore_color    As ULong
        Back_color    As ULong
      End Type
      Type Rect
       Left    As Long
       Top     As Long
       Right   As Long
       Bottom  As Long
      End Type
      Dim Shared Scr As Size
      Dim Shared Wnd As Rect
      Dim Shared hBoxLib As Long
      Dim Shared Frame1 As Frame
      Dim Shared Frame2 As Frame
      Dim Shared Frame3 As Frame
      Dim Shared Frame4 As Frame
      Dim Shared Frame5 As Frame
      Declare Function WaitEvent() As Long
      Declare Function GetKeyCode() As Long
      Declare Function GetButton() As Long
      Declare Function GetScreenSize() As Size
      Declare Function GetSkinHeight() As ULong
      Declare Function LoadLibrary(filename As ZString) As Long
      Declare Function GetProcAddress(hLib As Long, ProcName As ZString) As Long
      Declare Sub DrawWindow(WLeft As Long, WTop As Long, WRight As Long, WBottom As Long, Caption As ZString, BackColor As ULong, Style As ULong, CapStyle As ULong)
      Declare Sub On_Redraw()
      Declare Sub On_KeyPress()
      Declare Sub On_ButtonPress()
      Dim Shared FrameDraw As Sub(frame As frame)
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      #Undef RGB
      #Define RGB(r,g,b) ((cuint(r) shl 16) or (cuint(g) shl 8) or Cuint(b))
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      #Macro ThreadTerminate()
            mov    eax, -1
            int    64
        End Asm
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      #Macro BeginDraw()
            mov    eax, 12
            mov    ebx, 1
            int    64
        End Asm
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      #Macro EndDraw()
            mov    eax, 12
            mov    ebx, 2
            int    64
        End Asm
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Sub Main()
        Scr = GetScreenSize()
        Wnd.Right  = 731
        Wnd.Bottom = 127
        Wnd.Left   = (Scr.width  - Wnd.Right)  Shr 1
        Wnd.Top    = (Scr.height - Wnd.Bottom) Shr 1
        hBoxLib   = LoadLibrary("/sys/lib/box_lib.obj")
        FrameDraw = GetProcAddress(hBoxLib, "frame_draw")
        With Frame1
          .style         = 0
          .width         = 131
          .left          = 8
          .height        = 81
          .top           = 13
          .outer_color   = &H00FFFFFF
          .inner_color   = &H00808080
          .flags         = FR_RAISED OR FR_CAPTION OR FR_FILLED
          .text          = @" raised "
          .text_position = FR_TEXT_POS_TOP
          .font          = 1
          .font_height   = 16
          .fore_color    = RGB(200, 0, 0)
          .back_color    = &H00D0D0D0
        End With
        With Frame2
          .style         = 0
          .width         = 131
          .left          = 152
          .height        = 81
          .top           = 13
          .outer_color   = &H00FFFFFF
          .inner_color   = &H00808080
          .flags         = FR_SUNKEN OR FR_CAPTION
          .text          = @" sunken "
          .text_position = FR_TEXT_POS_BOTTOM
          .font          = 1
          .font_height   = 16
          .fore_color    = RGB(0, 200, 0)
          .back_color    = &HD4D0C8
        End With
        With Frame3
          .style         = 0
          .width         = 131
          .left          = 296
          .height        = 81
          .top           = 13
          .outer_color   = &H00FFFFFF
          .inner_color   = &H00808080
          .flags         = FR_ETCHED OR FR_CAPTION OR FR_FILLED
          .text          = @" etched "
          .text_position = FR_TEXT_POS_TOP
          .font          = 1
          .font_height   = 16
          .fore_color    = RGB(0, 0, 200)
          .back_color    = &H00D0D0D0
        End With
        With Frame4
          .style         = 0
          .width         = 131
          .left          = 440
          .height        = 81
          .top           = 13
          .outer_color   = &H00FFFFFF
          .inner_color   = &H00808080
          .flags         = FR_RIDGED OR FR_CAPTION
          .text          = @" ridged "
          .text_position = FR_TEXT_POS_BOTTOM
          .font          = 1
          .font_height   = 16
          .fore_color    = RGB(200, 0, 200)
          .back_color    = &HD4D0C8
        End With
        With Frame5
          .style         = 0
          .width         = 131
          .left          = 584
          .height        = 81
          .top           = 13
          .outer_color   = &H00FFFFFF
          .inner_color   = &H00808080
          .flags         = FR_DOUBLE OR FR_CAPTION OR FR_FILLED
          .text          = @" double "
          .text_position = FR_TEXT_POS_TOP
          .font          = 1
          .font_height   = 16
          .fore_color    = RGB(0, 200, 200)
          .back_color    = &H00D0D0D0
        End With
          Select Case WaitEvent()
           Case REDRAW_EVENT : On_Redraw
           Case KEY_EVENT    : On_KeyPress
           Case BUTTON_EVENT : On_ButtonPress
          End Select
      End Sub
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Sub On_KeyPress()
      End Sub
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
     Sub On_ButtonPress()
       Select Case GetButton() Shr 8
       Case 1
       End Select
     End Sub
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
     Sub On_Redraw()
       DrawWindow Wnd.Left, Wnd.Top, Wnd.Right, Wnd.Bottom, "Frames", RGB(192, 192, 192), WS_SKINNED_FIXED + WS_COORD_CLIENT + WS_CAPTION, CAPTION_MOVABLE
     End Sub
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Sub DrawWindow(WLeft As Long, WTop As Long, WRight As Long, WBottom As Long, Caption As ZString, BackColor As ULong, Style As ULong, CapStyle As ULong)
            xor    eax, eax
            mov    ebx, [WLeft]
            shl    ebx, 16
            add    ebx, [WRight]
            mov    ecx, [WTop]
            shl    ecx, 16
            add    ecx, [WBottom]
            mov    edx, [Style]
            or     edx, [BackColor]
            mov    edi, [Caption]
            mov    esi, [CapStyle]
            int    64
        End Asm
      End Sub
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Function WaitEvent Naked() As Long
            mov    eax, 10
            int    64
        End Asm
      End Function
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Function GetKeyCode Naked() As Long
            mov    eax, 2
            int    64
        End Asm
      End Function
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Function GetButton Naked() As Long
            mov    eax, 17
            int    64
        End Asm
      End Function
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Function GetScreenSize Naked() As Size
            push   ebx
            mov    eax, 61
            mov    ebx, 1
            int    64
            pop    ebx
        End Asm
      End Function
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Function GetSkinHeight Naked() As ULong
            push   ebx
            mov    eax, 48
            mov    ebx, 4
            int    64
            pop    ebx
        End Asm
      End Function
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Function LoadLibrary(filename As ZString) As Long
            mov    eax, 68
            mov    ebx, 19
            mov    ecx, [filename]
            int    64
            mov    [Function], eax
        End Asm
      End Function
    '* -------------------------------------------------------- *'
      Function GetProcAddress(hLib As Long, procname As ZString) As Long
            mov    edx, [hLib]
            xor    eax, eax
            test   edx, edx
            jz     2f
          ' -----------------------
            cmp    dword ptr [edx], 0
            jz     2f
            xor    eax, eax
            mov    esi, [edx]
            mov    edi, [procname]
          ' -----------------------
            jne    0f
            or     al, al
            jnz    0b
            jmp    1f
          ' -----------------------
            add    edx, 8
            jmp    1b
          ' -----------------------
            mov    eax, [edx + 4]
          ' -----------------------
            mov    [Function], eax
        End Asm
      End Function
    Frames.PNG (5.29 KiB)
    Viewed 12114 times
  • Интересно, что на FreeBasic имеется и проект ОС. :)
    a little os in freebasic
    (у автора репозитория ещё есть какие то разработки ОС на FreeBasic)

    P.S.на FreeBasic 988 решений задач с ресурса
    там же ещё есть и, к примеру, на Basic-256, BBC Basic и др.
    по Basic256 10-ть лет назад BHV издало и книгу, а сама сборка Basic256 включалась в учебный комплект ПО в составе Alt Linux.

    FreeBasic до сих пор включает сборку для ДОС и соответсвенно его можно, вероятно, использоватьчерез запуск в DosBox.
    имеющегося в KolibriOS.
  • но лучше полностью портировать его, чем запускать через dosbox
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