
  • Is GET/POST supported?
  • Writing this message using Netsurf on Kolibri OS.

    Regarding the mouse scroll not working, I"ve looked into it but seems like Netsurf can"t capture the scroll wheel"s movement yet. I have added support for detecting up to 5 mouse buttons (for fancy mice) and will try to fix mouse scroll soon. I can scroll up and down by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

    Also, I"ve fixed some minor glitches in libnsfb which made the netsurf window capture mouse clicks even when it was covered by some other window and was not in focus. Not it doesn"t do that anymore.

    GET seems to work without problems as I can browse most of the websites without facing crashes. Regarding POST, I"ve checked with and it seems to work. So right now, Forms work with http_post . Regarding multipart data and other types (such as uploading images/binaries etc) I"ll add functionality soon.

    The CPU usage has also gone down a bit as the check_for_event has been replaced with wait_for_event. Although the gains aren"t as impressive as I initially anticipated, the CPU usage fluctuates to lower values now.

    I"ll look at improving the POST support and finalize the http.obj library fetcher. Also, some issues in the UI regarding a full screen and the scroll mouse working are also some things I"ll fix once POST works properly.

    Not uploading the binary will this, but stay tuned for a new binary!

    - Sent with Netsurf on KolibriOS
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • ashmew2 wrote:Writing this message using Netsurf on Kolibri OS.
    Very cool, keep up the good work!
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • ashmew2
    Very cool! I am glad that you have an impressive progress.
    Всем чмоки в этом проекте! Засуньте эти 11 лет себе в жопу!
  • Hi!

    I thought it would be better to not make you wait for another binary, so here it is (as promised).
    I've fixed a couple of crashes that were being caused by an assert while setting a cookie, so this version has basic cookie handling, but the cookie jar needs some more work (and thought).
    The CPU usage has gone down a bit and I've isolated the cause of the high CPU usage to a constantly active kolibri_input() function. It is called like 10 times in 1 second, thereby choking all the processing of Netsurf on Kolibri OS.

    Here is what a successful paste looks like on Netsurf :
    pastekos.png (93.09 KiB)
    Screenshot Viewed 7935 times
    punk_joker wrote:Scrolling the mouse does not work
    Finally got scrolling to work! Please check this binary and let me know if it works for you :)
    SoUrcerer wrote:Is GET/POST supported?
    This binary works for posting messages on the board and on . Please try it for more sites if you get time. This is regarding the POST for forms. As far as other data types or file uploading is concerned, I cannot test it properly as clicking "Browse" on a form does not bring up the "Select a file.." dialog mostly due to netsurf not being integrated properly with the KolibriOS GUI. Once the GUI is integrated, I'll add support for file uploads etc which hopefully shouldn't be much.
    hidnplayr wrote:
    ashmew2 wrote:Writing this message using Netsurf on Kolibri OS.
    Very cool, keep up the good work!
    Mario_r4 wrote: ashmew2
    Very cool! I am glad that you have an impressive progress.
    Thanks for the encouragement and appreciation :)

    Please report any crashes/misbehaving/minor or major issues because it might be different for different machines.

    Stay tuned for the next binary! (but beware, it might take some time to integrate it properly with the KolibriOS GUI).

    _netsurf (2.16 MiB)
    Netsurf binary
    Downloaded 811 times
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • This message is written from KolibriOS by the program NetSurf.
    It's really cool. Dzhva goda ya zhdal etogo! I have been waiting ten years for this!
    Всем чмоки в этом проекте! Засуньте эти 11 лет себе в жопу!
  • Mario_r4 wrote:This message is written from KolibriOS by the program NetSurf.
    It's really cool. Dzhva goda ya zhdal etogo! I have been waiting ten years for this!
    Glad to know it works for you!

    These are the list of things that need to be done for Netsurf :

    Short Term:
    Determine the cause of 100% CPU usage and fluctuations and fix it.
    Integrate with the Kolibri UI and fix bugs such as the Choose a File Dialog bofor uploading content.
    Get the remaining parts of POST working.
    Update to a later Netsurf version
    Handle Cookies in Netsurf along with cached handles.

    Medium Term:
    Fix the build scripts have a make.everything file to build everytng from scratch in Netsurf (including libs).
    Update to a newer version of netsurf so that things can stay more current.
    Auto-build Netsurf from sources on KolibriOS build server.

    Long Term:
    Integrate with Netsurf BuildSystem.
    Integrate with the Netsurf CI after UI is merged and we have a triple toolchai
    Add HTTPS Support (Incomplete Polar SSL C Port needs fixing first.)

    If you feel like something's missing from the list, please respond so I can add it :)

    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • How many points browser shows in this ( ) test?
  • Wildwest wrote:How many points browser shows in this ( ) test?
    Surprise, Surprise!
    Spoiler:JS surprise!
    netsurf_kolibtios.png (15.8 KiB)
    Viewed 7819 times
    Всем чмоки в этом проекте! Засуньте эти 11 лет себе в жопу!
  • Acid3 relies on javascript, which is not present yet. (Who uses that anyway?)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • Javascript support is being added to Netsurf. Should be more till Netsurf v4 but thats something we'll have to wait for :)

    The netsurf devs are active though so shouldnt be very long.
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • К сожалению не работает:
    Выдает сообщение: не поддерживаемая инструкция процессора
    Процессор: Intel Pentium III EB

    K : Process - forced terminate PID: 00000019 [_NETSURF]
    K : Undefined Exception
    K : EAX : 0060365C EBX : 0060365C ECX : 00000000
    K : EDX : 00000000 ESI : 00000000 EDI : 0060365C
    K : EBP : 006038B8 EIP : 000102A1 ESP : 002382D4
    K : Flags : 00011206 CS : 0000001B (application)
    K : Stack dump:
    K : [ESP+00]: 00000000 [ESP+04]: 00238338 [ESP+08]: 000AD500
    K : [ESP+12]: 00633E1C [ESP+16]: 0023832C [ESP+20]: 5F456337
    K : [ESP+24]: 00000000 [ESP+28]: 006314B4 [ESP+32]: 00000000
  • Unduing wrote:К сожалению не работает:
    Выдает сообщение: не поддерживаемая инструкция процессора
    Процессор: Intel Pentium III EB

    English version :
    Unfortunately does not work:
    Produces the message: Unsupported CPU instruction
    Processor: Intel Pentium III EB

    K : Process - forced terminate PID: 00000019 [_NETSURF]
    K : Undefined Exception
    K : EAX : 0060365C EBX : 0060365C ECX : 00000000
    K : EDX : 00000000 ESI : 00000000 EDI : 0060365C
    K : EBP : 006038B8 EIP : 000102A1 ESP : 002382D4
    K : Flags : 00011206 CS : 0000001B (application)
    K : Stack dump:
    K : [ESP+00]: 00000000 [ESP+04]: 00238338 [ESP+08]: 000AD500
    K : [ESP+12]: 00633E1C [ESP+16]: 0023832C [ESP+20]: 5F456337
    K : [ESP+24]: 00000000 [ESP+28]: 006314B4 [ESP+32]: 00000000
    Thanks for reporting this crash. I remember I saw the "Unsupported CPU instruction" during the time I was developing, but it seems to be fixed for me now. Can you also post the file stderr.log that you get in the same directory as the _netsurf binary by running "_netsurf -v" from the SHELL? If the stderr.log file is too big, consider posting the last 100 lines or so so we can fix this.

    PS - I should have mentioned this before, in case you run into problems , the stderr.log file created using "netsurf -v" from the shell along with the BOARDLOG are the files which will give us hints on how to fix it. So please post both :)


    Edit : Added english translation.
    Check out the Netsurf Web Browser for KolibriOS.
    Read the wiki and happy hacking with KolibriOS!
  • Hi. Attached log files what you asked.
    STDOUT.LOG (5.08 KiB)
    Downloaded 243 times
    STDERR.LOG (14.5 KiB)
    Downloaded 235 times
    BOARDLOG.TXT (7.3 KiB)
    Downloaded 226 times
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