Do I Need a Network Driver for the Intel82562/EZ/GT/GZ PRO/100 VE LOM Ethernet Controller Chipset?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Perhaps your controller is simply not included in the tested database and therefore the driver does not start. To add it to the database, change some data in the source code of the "Netcfg" program, compile and replace the floppy disks in your image, then restart

    Netcfg: ...
  • update netcfg
    netcfg (4 KiB)
    Downloaded 194 times
  • Doczom wrote:Perhaps your controller is simply not included in the tested database and therefore the driver does not start. To add it to the database, change some data in the source code of the "Netcfg" program, compile and replace the floppy disks in your image, then restart

    Netcfg: ...
    Do not forget, there is a second check inside the driver, see line 1402 for the list ... i8255x.asm
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • I simply purchased an inexpensive add-in card, with a Realtek chipset, and it seems to be able to go online (under $7).

    I downloaded the upgraded 'NETSURF' browser. I was able to browse this message board, and when I wrote a reply, when I entered my response, the browser crashed.

    I found that the NETSURF browser on my system crashes whenever an attempt to upload input is made. Is this expected?
    SCR_1-x.PNG (32.05 KiB)
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