KVM - KolibriOS- не видит сетевую карту

KoOS network development
  • firefedot wrote:А вот сети нет, смотрю в устройствах, там вижу только loopback. Может не там смотрю?)

    Видимо он не понял сетевую от КВМ или еще чего. как можно понять , в чем причина и как ее можно решить?
    Может подсунуть ему именно известную ему сетевую(эмулятор сетевой в КВМ)
    Spoiler:Networking Configuration

    -w NETWORK , --network=NETWORK,opt1=val1,opt2=val2
    Connect the guest to the host network. The value for "NETWORK" can take one of 3 formats:
    Connect to a bridge device in the host called "BRIDGE". Use this option if the host has static networking config & the guest requires full outbound and inbound connectivity to/from the LAN . Also use this if live migration will be used with this guest.
    Connect to a virtual network in the host called "NAME". Virtual networks can be listed, created, deleted using the "virsh" command line tool. In an unmodified install of "libvirt" there is usually a virtual network with a name of "default". Use a virtual network if the host has dynamic networking (eg NetworkManager), or using wireless. The guest will be NATed to the LAN by whichever connection is active.
    Connect to the LAN using SLIRP . Only use this if running a QEMU guest as an unprivileged user. This provides a very limited form of NAT .
    If this option is omitted a single NIC will be created in the guest. If there is a bridge device in the host with a physical interface enslaved, that will be used for connectivity. Failing that, the virtual network called "default" will be used. This option can be specified multiple times to setup more than one NIC .
    Other available options are:

    Network device model as seen by the guest. Value can be any nic model supported by the hypervisor, e.g.: 'e1000', 'rtl8139', 'virtio', ...
    Fixed MAC address for the guest; If this parameter is omitted, or the value "RANDOM" is specified a suitable address will be randomly generated. For Xen virtual machines it is required that the first 3 pairs in the MAC address be the sequence '00:16:3e', while for QEMU or KVM virtual machines it must be '52:54:00'.

    Request a virtual machine without any network interfaces.
    -b BRIDGE , --bridge=BRIDGE
    This parameter is deprecated in favour of "--network bridge=bridge_name".
    -m MAC , --mac=MAC
    This parameter is deprecated in favour of "--network NETWORK,mac=12:34..."
    1) Что такое "model=virtio" в параметре "--network=bridge:br0,model=virtio"? Это какая сетевая карта?
    2) Попробуй задать "model=rtl8139" (или что там у тебя "supported by the hypervisor"?)
  • model = В этом случае libvirt создаст мост, сделает dhcp сервер и выдаст через него адрес для доступа виртуальной машины

    Понял, сейчас попробую подменить...

    Разобрался, да поставил эмулятор реалтека и пошло.
    Спасибо огромное.
  • performance may be better with "model=e1000" (if your hypervisor supports it)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • hidnplayr wrote:performance may be better with "model=e1000" (if your hypervisor supports it)

    Спасибо, попробую.
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