Is there any proprietary software in this?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • The minimal floppy image (kolibri.img) is completely open-source. The full distribution package contains some proprietary game resources like doom.wad and quake.pak etc.
  • So, is it just some game data that's proprietary? I don't really care all that much about proprietary data like that, just proprietary programs.
  • onpon4 wrote:So, is it just some game data that's proprietary? I don't really care all that much about proprietary data like that, just proprietary programs.
    That's right - the full distribution package only contains some proprietary game data, but no proprietary programs. The minimal floppy image (kolibri.img) contains no proprietary items at all.

    However, we do have some video drivers (ported from Linux) that contain proprietary firmware BLOBs (but they are not part of the distribution package and have to be downloaded separately). But if you don't explicitly download them, then you may be sure that you do not possess any proprietary program.
  • That's great to hear!

    Another question: is this because of a particular policy, or is it just that way by circumstance?
  • onpon4 wrote:Another question: is this because of a particular policy, or is it just that way by circumstance?
    By circumstance. KolibriOS doesn't support any of WiFi/Bluetooth/GSM/3G/LTE, and only certain video cards (most video cards in KolibriOS work only via VESA). Usually the proprietary BLOBs come with the above devices, but since KolibriOS doesn't support those, we have almost no BLOBs too (no BLOBs in basic image / ISO, and only a few BLOBs in separately downloaded video drivers).
  • onpon4 wrote:is this because of a particular policy, or is it just that way by circumstance?
    You should never exclude someone's policy as well. :wink:
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