(solved) How to setup my PC? (keyboard and internet)

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • You can check out earlier nightly builds http://builds.kolibrios.org/eng/history/
    Всем чмоки в этом проекте! Засуньте эти 11 лет себе в жопу!
  • Mario_r4 wrote:You can check out earlier nightly builds http://builds.kolibrios.org/eng/history/
    ok. Thnaks. Any advice where I should start is welcome (stable version with updated keyboard setup persistence with RDSave)
    I made again following step with a recent build: (steps written in tinypad)
    I move the RDSave window and it freeze http://imagebin.org/249111
    perhaps somebody can understand what is going on here.
    AMD-K6-III 550 MHz
    Graphics Card Matrox MGA G400/G450
    Audio Ensoniq ES1371 AudioPCI-97
    Network Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C
  • As a very lousy option, I would suggest that you have a defective RAM. Usually Linux LiveCD have a memory test - memtest program. I recommend checking your RAM memory.
    Всем чмоки в этом проекте! Засуньте эти 11 лет себе в жопу!
  • I see from the screenshots that RDSAVE crashes on latest build (or rather, OpenDialog which is part of RDSAVE, crashes).

    1) What filesystems do you have and on which filesystem did you place kolibri.img?
    2) After starting KFAR, can you press ALT+F1 and make a screenshot of it? (Show us the list of disks detected)
    3) Try to enter each of the disks that is shown in KFAR, and see if the system gets stuck like with RDSAVE (or shows any error in BOARD like with RDSAVE)
  • yogev_ezra wrote:I see from the screenshots that RDSAVE crashes on latest build (or rather, OpenDialog which is part of RDSAVE, crashes).

    1) What filesystems do you have and on which filesystem did you place kolibri.img?
    2) After starting KFAR, can you press ALT+F1 and make a screenshot of it? (Show us the list of disks detected)
    3) Try to enter each of the disks that is shown in KFAR, and see if the system gets stuck like with RDSAVE (or shows any error in BOARD like with RDSAVE)
    with the latest available testing kolibriOS...
    1. This is on a CF card, attached to an IDE adapter, FAT32
    2. See http://imagebin.org/249220
    3. it dont stuck at any drive (3 drives with partitions ext3, swap, ext4, FAT32). I can go around the directories without any issue.

    The saving with RDSave dont freeze anymore the PC with the latest available kolibriOS. THANKS A LOT.
    For the reason it goes into the internet, this is a major improvement for me.

    The saving of the GERMAN keyboard setup dont work with RDSave: see http://imagebin.org/249222
    Can somebody help?
    It would help me and avoid I make the setup at each new start.
    From the date of the kolibri.img, the file seems to be saved but the keyboard setup seems not to be part of it.
    Or other question: is there any workaround for saving the German keyboard setup outside of RDSave?
    AMD-K6-III 550 MHz
    Graphics Card Matrox MGA G400/G450
    Audio Ensoniq ES1371 AudioPCI-97
    Network Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C
  • You did press "save all" button, did you?
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • hidnplayr wrote:You did press "save all" button, did you?
    Perhaps someone can simulate this issue?
    - start Kolibri (it start in default with englisch keyboard)
    - change to GERMAN (and see it is activ.. because it should change from "QWERTY" to "QWERTZ")
    - SAVE it (with RDSave)
    - restart with the new created img
    AMD-K6-III 550 MHz
    Graphics Card Matrox MGA G400/G450
    Audio Ensoniq ES1371 AudioPCI-97
    Network Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C
  • Edit LANG.INI

    Code: Select all

    startlng  = 3
  • lev wrote:Edit LANG.INI

    Code: Select all

    startlng  = 3
    THATS IT. Thanks. I changed that file with TINYPAD then, saved everything with RDSave.
    And it works. Now, I will have a look to the "nice to have" topics like sound etc.
    AMD-K6-III 550 MHz
    Graphics Card Matrox MGA G400/G450
    Audio Ensoniq ES1371 AudioPCI-97
    Network Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C
  • floppy wrote:Now, I will have a look to the "nice to have" topics like sound etc.
    For sound, I see you have Audio Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] - is that right?
    If it is, we have a driver for Ensoniq audio but it probably doesn't work because it wasn't finished.
    Our developer Asper is working on it.
  • yogev_ezra wrote: Our developer Asper is working on it.
    Dear Asper, you lazy bones, can you please finish and complete your driver? a person from stuttgart, germany, would be happy ...! ;-)
    AMD-K6-III 550 MHz
    Graphics Card Matrox MGA G400/G450
    Audio Ensoniq ES1371 AudioPCI-97
    Network Realtek RTL-8139/8139C/8139C
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