translate kolibri

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Good job! Everything is looking just fine!
  • Hi, I'm having some difficulties with SVN, can't understand how it works.

    1) how do I upload the file I've translated? (where should i put username and pswd)
    2) I've created the directory data/it simply copying data/en, and modifying the files, but it seems i need to use svn mkdir to create new directories, does it mean i have to recreate every file or can I simply copy them?
  • SVN has a notion of localcopy and repository; after "svn checkout"ing a repository you can do any changes in localcopy and then "svn commit" all changes to repository. Our repository has anonymous read access, but requires authentification for write access; your client will ask for username/password at first commit.
    1) To add a new file in the console client, use "svn add" this file; this is an localcopy-operation, it notifies SVN that it should upload that file at next commit. Modifications of existing files do not require extra steps. The command "svn commit" - or it's analogue in GUI clients - uploads all modifications and all added files to the repository.
    2) SVN can copy entire folders; the console client has a command "svn copy <from> <to>". Make sure that <to> does not exist, e.g. move your current data/it outside of repository, do "svn copy", move changed files - or even all files - back.
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  • Ok, i managed to upload an it directory under data using svn, but I got the following error:

    Code: Select all

    Commit della Revisione 3139 eseguito.
    Attenzione :post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with output:
    Auto-build failed for it.
    Examine for list of errors.

    I can't understand what's the problem:

    I've uploaded the files in the following way:

    Code: Select all

    cd /to/the/it/parent/directory
    svn commit -m "italian version"
    and it asked for my username and pswd.
  • This means that the commit was successful, but after that the build system failed to make an image from italian data. In this case the reason is: the base version of data/eng was not the latest and has referenced a file which have been moved from that moment. I have updated all data to current and restored COPYING.TXT - it is included in DOCPACK, so it is needed for the build - now it compiles, you can see the result at .
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  • Congratulations!
  • Thanks

    Just a question: I've removed the file COPYING.TXT, because the license (italian version) is in the file license.txt that svn has not uploaded, (i've forgot to use the "svn add" command).
    Should i rename the italian license file to copying or what? The russian file is named GNU... I think it should be better to use the same file name for all languages, and license may be the most "simple" term if someone does not know what GNU means..
  • Congratulations!
    But you have a lot of work. ;)
    languages.png (61.4 KiB)
    Viewed 5500 times
  • The name of license file can be anything you want, but it must be the same in several places:
    * name of the file in the repository;
    * name in the list MKISOFS_EXTRA in Makefile, that is the list of files which will be copied to CD image;
    * name in programs/system/docpack/trunk/docpack.asm, that is the program to access docs from inside the OS.
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  • fedesco
    Can you update Italian KolibriOS page and write there something about Italian distro?
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Hi,
    I'm translating Kolibri to spanish. I want to know how to create a .fnt file.

    Note: it would be great to have utf-8 support.
  • SVN: // programs/other/font_conv
  • I don't know about what license is the discussion, but AFAIK, GNU GPL has no legal translations to other languages and must be always in English.
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