Kickstarter to push the project?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • We aren't from USA, so we can't just place project on Kickstarter. Moreover, if we'll decide to use kickstarter, we'll have to create good roadmap and think about some application areas of Kolibri. Real application areas, like nettops.
  • As SoUrcerer said, anyone can donate to existing Kickstarter project, but you have to be in USA in order to create a new Kickstarter project. They promised that this fall they will also support creating projects from UK. In KolibriOS community we have nobody from USA and only one person from UK.
  • Hi,

    that's a problem. Hm, perhaps someone will help the team out on this issue. Perhaps porting to the raspberry pi would be a good kickstarter project. As the inventors of this hardware are clearly pro developing of/from kids and besides of linux on their hardware kolibri os would be really nice!

  • It's not possible because Raspberry Pi is not x86-compatible, and KolibriOS works only on x86 hardware.
    That would require almost complete rewrite of KolibriOS from scratch which is not feasible.
    I once suggested eBox-3350MX for this purpose, which at $70 is only twice as expensive as Raspberry Pi and is x86 compatible.
  • Hi,

    it was just a thought as dex os is porting with armasm and has hdmi working yet. Porting kolibri os to the r pi would be a major step and therefore would need fonding to keep the working hours to professional paid programmers or at least find some private to do so and get some rewards.

  • Update on the UK project creation:

    Regarding Raspberry Pi, it's a lot of work, with all respect to DexOS it has less than 10% of the functionality of what KolibriOS has. It's better to focus on improving KolibriOS functionality on current architecture (like adding web browser) than spending time on porting it.
  • It will be nice, if someone can agree work for money.
  • I want to work for money :D Give me at least $500/mo, and I'll work at least 4 hrs every day.
  • Aleksey Bragin (ReactOS Project Coordinator) has contacted me on Facebook via "Russian Kickstarter" group. I proposed to put up a cheap hackable x86 Pico-ITX computer on Kickstarter, and he was just thinking of the same. He wanted to collect funds for ReactOS on Kickstarter, but offering "the complete ReactOS Operating System (standalone)" will probably not qualify as a "project" by KickStarter definition*.
    * Kickstarter's Project Guidelines wrote:A project will eventually be completed, and something will be produced by it. A project is not open-ended. Kickstarter is for projects that can be completed, not things that require maintenance to exist.
    So a good alternative is offering a complete computer running ReactOS as a reward. I was thinking that maybe we can offer even more, by teaming up Coreboot, KolibriOS and ReactOS, and offering them installed on Vortex86-based nettop. If Kickstarter funding is successful, we will have money to actually pay developers to work on KolbiriOS, ReactOS and Coreboot. What do you think about this?

    EDIT: Changed the wording a bit to make it more clear that it's not Aleksey's opinion but my own.
    Last edited by yogev_ezra on Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • yogev_ezra
    If you change your mind from ancient Vortex to AMD Fusion - then I'm with you!

    My very old dream is to build our own
    + open-source motherboard
    + open-source BIOS
    + Kolibri-based RTOS for developers

    if they add
    + open-source Windows (ReactOS),

    then we scrap all those arduinos and blueberryPi's to a dustbin.
    Last edited by art_zh on Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • SoUrcerer wrote:I want to work for money :D Give me at least $500/mo, and I'll work at least 4 hrs every day.
    shall I understand that 1000 would pay you for a complete working day, at least? 8)
    art_zh wrote:then we beat all those arduinos and blueberryPi's to dust.
    this is a strong statement, which is why I think you have to be developing alone
  • art_zh: I have no problem with AMD Fusion aside from the fact that it's more expensive than Vortex86MX. You are living in the UK, why can't we get to Kickstarter via you? I can register a UK company (or pay someone to register it), but we still need a real UK resident and a real UK address which I don't have.
  • look guys, I have some friends in the UK, programmers, moldovans settled there, they can as well give me a handful of help... but, frankly I see very few reasons to go commercial in such a way, but the one of fast enreachment (which i think has never worked). the core idea of Kolibri is that it is neat and tight, lightweight and it's nearly ready, you can easily 'sell' it to so many interested parties. when i wrote the word sell in quotation marks i meant that you actually need to sell your programming time (man-hours) and still be independent. if your kernel will prove functional trust me you will have many business offers to adapt it.

    as for now, Kolibri has lots of strong points which can be utilised as vehicles for promotion among a large group of users/consumers. also you have to bare in mind that once you appear on the market there will appear other competitors who will design similar OSs much tighter and much more robust, because having your 'proof of concept' working a lot of other will adventure to repeat your path. so imho, the only thing that is saving you now from being plagiarised and left overboard is that your OS is opened source project, mainly maintained by enthusiasts.

    trust me, when people start working for salary it's no more art, if you can follow my word twist ;)
  • yogev_ezra
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