Newbie problem with dual boot Windows 2008 / KolibriOS

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • I would still like to find a solution to the dual boot and USB stick problems, but while reading I discovered something else:

    These are very helpful instructions on how to get KolibriOS running in qemu: ... et_in_Qemu. These work for me, using qemu manager 4.0 I was able to follow the instructions exactly and run KolibriOS in windowed mode. Now that I have her running, I am intrigued and enjoy Kolibri very much.

    I thought to add these instructions to the wiki's FAQ and dual boot sections, but I don't know how to register there. I see a link to log in, but no registration link, and the wiki does not allow anonymous editing. Is it possible to register? I hope I did not miss the link :?

    Also another problem - how to save/load files from hard disk when using Qemu?
  • aquas wrote:Also another problem - how to save/load files from hard disk when using Qemu? ... l#harddisk
  • Thank you. I set up a shared folder from Windows but unfortunately do not see how to access it in Kolibri.
  • You should make virtual HDD with qemu-img, then format it to FAT32 with something like DOS boot floppy (from QEMU of course), then you can use this HD with Kolibri to store data and exchange with Windows (using winImage or anything else).

    Another way to install Kolibri to USB stick:
    1) Install GRUB2 onto your stick
    2) Download MEMDISK tool
    3) Download latest kolibri.img from
    4) Copy MEMDISK to your stick and extract kolibri.img from svn-XXXX.7z to your stick too
    5) Add boot section to grub.cfg:
  • Thank you for the suggestions.. unfortunatly I'm still having problems. I used qemu-img to create a 1gb image file on the same drive as kolibri.img. I mounted it with ImDisk and formatted as FAT32. Then I put a "test.txt" file in the image (the text file just contains "aaa"). I am using qemu manager, and I added this image to the "Disk Configuration" tab under "Hard Disk Drives" (I made it F:).

    Without this extra image, I only have the following in kolibri:
    - RAM-disk /rd/1/
    - Floppy disk /fd/
    - CD-drive /cd2/

    With the image added to qemu manager, kolibri shows:
    - RAM-disk /rd/1/
    - Floppy disk /fd/
    - Hard disk drive /hd3/
    - CD-drive /cd2/
    - SATA disk drive /bd0/

    But nothing is in the 2 new folders (/hd3/ and /bd0/) and I can't seem to write to them.

    Also, I have tried unsuccessfully to get grub installed on a usb stick. I installed debian, dual boot w/ windows 2008, and now am trying to add KolibriOS to grub2 from debian. I am new to linux so maybe I am doing something wrong here.

    fdisk -l gives me:

    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 1 5099 40957686 7 HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sda2 5100 16848 94373068 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
    /dev/sda3 * 16848 21711 39062528 83 Linux
    /dev/sda5 5100 15543 83886999 7 HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sda6 15543 16848 10485760 b W95 FAT32

    sda6 is the partition I've set aside for Kolibri. I opened up 40_custom in /etc/grub.d and added the following to it:

    menuentry "KolibriOS" {
    insmod fat32
    set root = '(hd0,6)'
    linux16 /memdisk
    initrd16 /kolibri.img

    I copied memdisk and kolibri.img to sda6, and then I run update-grub and reboot

    When I select KolibriOS from the grub2 menu, I get an error message:

    Error: File not found
    Error: Not an assignment
    Error: File not found
    Error: You need to load the kernel first

    I don't know what to do here. I have also tride set root = '(/dev/sda6)' with no luck

    Thank you again for the help
  • aquas wrote:I would still like to find a solution to the dual boot...
    I would like to suggest you to use following steps without reconfiguration BOOTMGR.

    1. Write my MBR boot loader Alter into MBR and setup it (set keyflags to 8, set altpart to point to "k:").

    2. Write FAT32/NTFS boot loader for ntldr (nt5fat32.bin/nt5ntfs.bin) into "k:" (you can install it someway like this as well: "bootsect /nt52 k:").

    3. Copy ntldr, boot.ini, bootfont.bin, to "k:\" and edit boot.ini like this:

    Code: Select all

    [boot loader]
    [operating systems]
    (see "install mtldr" for details).

    4. Copy mtldr and kolibri.img to "k:\".

    That's all.
  • aquas wrote:/dev/sda6 15543 16848 10485760 b W95 FAT32

    sda6 is the partition I've set aside for Kolibri.
    Can you convert sda6 to sda4?
  • I tried using fdisk's "f" function to fix the order, but it remains sda6
  • aquas wrote:I mounted it with ImDisk and formatted as FAT32.
    ImDisk can work only with raw images for now. You can create an image with ImDisk, format it, copy files onto and then convert it into appropriate format via qemu-img when needed. But Qemu can work with raw images too.
  • aquas wrote:I tried using fdisk's "f" function to fix the order, but it remains sda6
    Try more advanced partitioning tools. If you have not become successful in this way, you can try other technique.

    Even if I will have given you a boot loader that supports partitions sda5+, ntldr will not work well in those partitions until you will have done certain actions. So we still can use Alter (version 3):
    - get starting sector number of the partition where "k:" is located;
    - write this number into HiddenSectors field of the sector (offset 1Ch, size 4 bytes);
    - write this number into altsec field of the MBR, set keyflags to 8, set altpart to 0 or to 6.
  • sda6 is the partition I've set aside for Kolibri. I opened up 40_custom in /etc/grub.d and added the following to it:

    menuentry "KolibriOS" {
    insmod fat32
    set root = '(hd0,6)'
    linux16 /memdisk
    initrd16 /kolibri.img

    I copied memdisk and kolibri.img to sda6, and then I run update-grub and reboot

    When I select KolibriOS from the grub2 menu, I get an error message:

    Error: File not found
    Error: Not an assignment
    Error: File not found
    Error: You need to load the kernel first

    I don't know what to do here. I have also tride set root = '(/dev/sda6)' with no luck
    then you should boot into GRUB command line, then find your files. GRUB doesn't support "/dev/sda6" naming. Your HD is probably (hd0,6) or something like this. Try "ls (hd0,6)/" command.
  • Alright, I managed to get an sda4 using gparted. I booted to grub commandline and ls is showing me (hd0,msdos4)

    So I changed to

    insmod part_msdos
    set root = '(hd0,msdos4)'

    still not working (same errors), although the first "file not found" has disappeared.

    If I cannot get this one working I would like to try your bootloader suggestion Phantom-84, but I'm afraid those steps are kind of complicated for me to follow.. I don't know how to write Alter-3.bin into the MBR and I don't understand step 2 at all.
  • aquas wrote:Alright, I managed to get an sda4 using gparted. I booted to grub commandline and ls is showing me (hd0,msdos4)

    So I changed to

    insmod part_msdos
    set root = '(hd0,msdos4)'

    still not working (same errors), although the first "file not found" has disappeared.

    If I cannot get this one working I would like to try your bootloader suggestion Phantom-84, but I'm afraid those steps are kind of complicated for me to follow.. I don't know how to write Alter-3.bin into the MBR and I don't understand step 2 at all.
    I think something's wrong with files and file paths.
    Try to copy files to folder "boot" on disk where's your Debian, and add lines:

    menuentry "Kolibri" {
    insmod ext2
    set root='your_partition'
    linux16 /boot/memdisk
    initrd16 /boot/kolibri.img
  • Something was wrong with my script :x

    set root = '(hd0,msdos4)'

    I discovered there can be no spaces between the "=" :roll:

    However I still have a problem - with qemu, kolibri would boot really quickly. Now, booting normally, it takes about a minute for the counter to reach 100% and a few seconds more to finish booting. Very slow. But I have HDD access..

    Any way to speed up the boot? I will try to find something in search, too.

    Thank you!
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