extract .img file

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  • Welcome!

    Now ramdisk image kolibri.img is an essential part of Kolibri, so I am afraid you can not avoid using it.
    I use GRUB2, too, but my kolibri.img is located on ext2 partition. Do you need any help with GRUB2 configuration?
  • HI, thank you for the fast anwser

    this is my grub2 voice:
    menuentry "KolibriOS" {
    insmod fat32
    set root=(/dev/sda,10)
    linux16 /memdisk
    initrd16 /kolibri.img

    Kolibri starts, he asks me something at the boot (cannot remember it now, will tell you later :D) thank you very much.

    I putted kolibrios.img in a fat partition, I read that it isn't able to write in ext partitions for saving data, or is it wrong?
    But I did not understood how to save data, for example i opened the text editor and saved a file (he did not ask me where to save it..) The I shutted down the pc, rebooted with ubuntu, mounted the partition where i putted kolibri but there wasn't the file i created before with kolibri, and I thought that maybe, extracting the img file on the partition, kolibri would save the files on it...
  • OK, here I am again, I was wrong before, sorry, this is my grub2 entry:
    menuentry "KolibriOS" {
    insmod fat32
    set root=(/dev/sda,10)
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root D7E6-687A
    linux16 /memdisk
    initrd16 /kolibri.img
    Kolibri tells me:
    error: file not found
    [Linux-bzimage, setup=0x600,...]
    press any key to continue

    pressing a key the boots continues (I'm searching for a clue for the file he isn't finding..., it appers a blue screen, asking me if i want to change some settings between [abcd]
    a: videomode 1024x768x32
    b: add disks visible by bios : on
    c:use vrr: off
    d: floppy image: real floppy

    I didn't change anything, my pc is an asus 1215n (http://www.asus.it/Eee/Eee_PC/Eee_PC_1215N/), I guess the settings are ok (do not know what vrr is and what 'real floppy' is), but after that blue screen kolibri os booted completely. I didn't have used it very much now, but it seemed all ok to me. Just guessing how can I save files/images made during my kolibri-session and make them avaiable for the other operating system on my pc (eg: ubuntu)
  • fedesco wrote:I putted kolibrios.img in a fat partition, I read that it isn't able to write in ext partitions for saving data, or is it wrong?
    But I did not understood how to save data, for example i opened the text editor and saved a file (he did not ask me where to save it..) The I shutted down the pc, rebooted with ubuntu, mounted the partition where i putted kolibri but there wasn't the file i created before with kolibri, and I thought that maybe, extracting the img file on the partition, kolibri would save the files on it...
    Currently Kolibri supports only FAT for writing. So save your data to FAT partition.
    Yes, ext2/ext3 is read only for now. .img file is not extracted, it is just mounted as a RAM disk, so all data you save to it will be lost on reboot. You can also use Rdsave program that saves RAM disk image to a FAT partition.
  • Also, try latest nightly build: builds.kolibrios.org
    In latest builds you'll have pretty open/save dialogue window :)
  • Sorcerer wrote:Also, try latest nightly build: builds.kolibrios.org
    In latest builds you'll have pretty open/save dialogue window :)
    ok, I'll try it!
  • Could you maybe please help me with this error?

    error: file not found
    [Linux-bzimage, setup=0x600,...]

    I think it's a grub2 error (the blue screen of kolibri comes after this notification) but I can't understand where the problem is, I "installed" the nightly build...
  • Weird. Try something like this:
    menuentry "KolibriOS" {
    insmod fat32
    set root=(/dev/sda,10)
    linux16 /memdisk
    initrd16 /kolibri.img

    As for me, I copied my kolibrios.img and memdisk to /boot folder. But this way I can't modify my boot image from Kolibri.

    upd: (/dev/sda,10) ??? what's this?
    May be (sd0,10)?
  • I copied kolibri and memdisk in / (root, not /boot folder) of a fat partition

    /dev/sda is the HD where i putted kolibri.img, my Ubuntu-entry is the following (my laptop has only one HD)

    Code: Select all

    menuentry "Ubuntu"{
    	insmod part_msdos
    	insmod ext2
    	set root='(/dev/sda,msdos5)'
    	search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 45a5473d-1eb3-4142-9367-3c6e45d91a1e
    	linux	/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.38-11-generic root=UUID=45a5473d-1eb3-4142-9367-3c6e45d91a1e ro   quiet
    	initrd	/boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-11-generic
    on another laptop the entry of windows is (dualbooted ith ubuntu):

    Code: Select all

    menuentry "Windows 7" {
            insmod part_msdos
            insmod ntfs
            set root='(/dev/sda,msdos1)'
            search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 107A356213333780
            chainloader +1
    so i thought /dev/sda would be ok, if i give "mount" from my ubuntu-terminal I get

    Code: Select all

    /dev/sda10 on /media/KOLIBRIOS type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush)

    I'll give it a try with sd0 ;)
  • You wrote:
    set root='(/dev/sda,msdos5)'


    menuentry "KolibriOS" {
    insmod fat32
    set root='(/dev/sda,msdos10)'
    linux16 /memdisk
    initrd16 /kolibri.img
  • no, i wrote set root='(/dev/sda,msdos10)'

    but problem must be elsewhere; i tried using hd0 (sd0 didn't work, hd0 yes) instead of /dev/sda, 10 instead of msdos10, adding a
    "search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 45a5473d" like by the other voices (i controlled the uuid through gparted), but nothing, still have the same problem, after the errore kolibriOS boots without problems....
    My partition is ~1GB big and kolibri.img and memdisk are the 2 only files....

    could it be that the problem is that this partition is an extended partition?


    finally got it, this is my grub2 entry:
    menuentry "KolibriOS" {
    insmod part_msdos
    set root='(/dev/sda,msdos10)'
    search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root D7E6-687A
    linux16 /memdisk
    initrd16 /kolibri.img
    do not know why, but I had to write "insmod part_msdos" instead of "insmod fat32".
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