Help ... Access to hard drives ( How? )

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Hi!
    You can access your hard drive partitions as /hd0/1, /hd0/2,... or /bd0/1, /bd0/2,..., but there is no program for backup in KolibriOS yet, so you have to copy all files that you need yourself.
  • tnx for reply... but it doesn't work... that dir is empty... all of them... :(
  • That's weird...
    What filesystem of those partitions ?

    KolibriOS currently can read HDD partitions of FAT16/32, NTFS and ext2/3 formats.
  • ntfs

    oh... tnx for every one. it worked :D tnx
  • Hello (...again). I need some help. I can see the directories and files in my windows xp installation, with kfm, but I can't delete them, for example, the cookies folder or files inside. The Internet temporary files. The System Volume Information folder or files inside. I want to delete these files or interact with them to keep good-working of my p.c. I received the "file system error" (or the name of the folder or file here) 0000 0000 02". Can you tell me what's going on, and how can I "fight" with It.

    Have a nice day.

    Juan Antonio Vargas.
  • KolibriOS does not support write or delete on NTFS - right now NTFS support is read-only.
    KolibriOS does not work correctly with partitions larger than 128GB
    So if your Windows partition is larger than 128GB or uses NTFS, KolibriOS cannot handle it currently.
  • Thank you for the comment. I am not sad to hear that yogev. Instead I am glad. This kind of comments, doubts, quiestions, etc. only serves to get a feedback to keep on rolling on the development of this project named Kolibrios. And, obviously, I hope to see more-and-more new functions, optios, tool, etc. very-very soon.

    Juan Antonio Vargas.
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