console program

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Is it full source of program?
    If yes, you should include Kolibri-header and some code for "console.obj" loading

    and, what is

    Code: Select all

    aHelloword push
  • It is a modification of one of the examples, specifically testcon.asm. The full code is this:

    Code: Select all

            db      'MENUET01'
            dd      1
            dd      start
            dd      i_end
            dd      mem
            dd      mem
            dd      0
            dd      0
    REQ_DLL_VER = 2
    DLL_ENTRY = 1
    ; First 3 steps are intended to load/init console DLL
    ; and are identical for all console programs
    ; load DLL
            mov     eax, 68
            mov     ebx, 19
            mov     ecx, dll_name
            int     0x40
            test    eax, eax
            jz      exit
    ; initialize import
            mov	edx, eax
            mov     esi, myimport
            test    eax, eax
            jz      import_done
            push    edx
            mov     ebx, [edx]
            test    ebx, ebx
            jz      exit;import_not_found
            push    eax
            mov     cl, [eax]
            cmp     cl, [ebx]
            jnz     import_find_next
            test    cl, cl
            jz      import_found
            inc     eax
            inc     ebx
            jmp     @b
            pop     eax
            add     edx, 8
            jmp     import_find
            pop     eax
            mov     eax, [edx+4]
            mov     [esi-4], eax
            pop     edx
            jmp     import_loop
    ; check version
            cmp     word [dll_ver], REQ_DLL_VER
            jb      exit
            cmp     word [dll_ver+2], REQ_DLL_VER
            ja      exit
            push    DLL_ENTRY
            call    [dll_start]
    ; yes! Now do some work (say helloworld in this case).
            push    caption
            push    -1
            push    -1
            push    -1
            push    -1
            call    [con_init]
            ;push    10
            ;push    10
            ;call    [con_set_cursor_pos]
            push    aHelloWorld
            call    [con_write_asciiz]
            push    0
            call    [con_exit]
            or      eax, -1
            int     0x40
    dll_name db '/sys/lib/console.obj',0
    caption db 'Console test',0
    aHelloWorld     db 27,'[37;1;44m'     
                    db 'Hello, World!',10,0
    align 4
    dll_start       dd      aStart
    dll_ver         dd      aVersion
    con_init        dd      aConInit
    con_write_asciiz dd     aConWriteAsciiz
    con_exit        dd      aConExit
                    dd      0
    aStart          db      'START',0
    aVersion        db      'version',0
    aConInit        db      'con_init',0
    aConWriteAsciiz db      'con_write_asciiz',0
    aConExit        db      'con_exit',0
    align 4
    rb 2048 ; stack
    lines do not work I have put as comments
  • you did not add "con_set_cursor_pos" to the import list, wich contains functions from the library, wich you want to use..
    Maybe you should try to use the 'import' macro, as is described here:
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • I've got a problem: :oops:

    flat assembler version 1.69.10
    aconsetcursorpos dd icon_set_cursor_pos',0
    error: value out of range

    I don't know the bug :cry: :cry:

    Code: Select all

            db      'MENUET01'
            dd      1
            dd      start
            dd      i_end
            dd      mem
            dd      mem
            dd      0
            dd      0
    REQ_DLL_VER = 2
    DLL_ENTRY = 1
    ; First 3 steps are intended to load/init console DLL
    ; and are identical for all console programs
    ; load DLL
            mov     eax, 68
            mov     ebx, 19
            mov     ecx, dll_name
            int     0x40
            test    eax, eax
            jz      exit
    ; initialize import
            mov	edx, eax
            mov     esi, myimport
            test    eax, eax
            jz      import_done
            push    edx
            mov     ebx, [edx]
            test    ebx, ebx
            jz      exit;import_not_found
            push    eax
            mov     cl, [eax]
            cmp     cl, [ebx]
            jnz     import_find_next
            test    cl, cl
            jz      import_found
            inc     eax
            inc     ebx
            jmp     @b
            pop     eax
            add     edx, 8
            jmp     import_find
            pop     eax
            mov     eax, [edx+4]
            mov     [esi-4], eax
            pop     edx
            jmp     import_loop
    ; check version
            cmp     word [dll_ver], REQ_DLL_VER
            jb      exit
            cmp     word [dll_ver+2], REQ_DLL_VER
            ja      exit
            push    DLL_ENTRY
            call    [dll_start]
    ; yes! Now do some work (say helloworld in this case).
            push    caption
            push    -1
            push    -1
            push    -1
            push    -1
            call    [con_init]
            push    10
            pop     eax
            push    10
            pop     ebx
            call    [con_set_cursor_pos]
            push    aHelloWorld
            call    [con_write_asciiz]
            push    0
            call    [con_exit]
            or      eax, -1
            int     0x40
    dll_name db '/sys/lib/console.obj',0
    caption db 'Console test',0
    aHelloWorld     db 27,'[37;1;44m'     
                    db 'Hello, World!',10,0
    align 4
    dll_start       dd      aStart
    dll_ver         dd      aVersion
    con_init        dd      aConInit
    con_write_asciiz dd     aConWriteAsciiz
    con_exit        dd      aConExit
    con_set_cursor_pos dd   aconsetcursorpos
                    dd      0
    aStart          db      'START',0
    aVersion        db      'version',0
    aConInit        db      'con_init',0
    aConWriteAsciiz db      'con_write_asciiz',0
    aConExit        db      'con_exit',0
    aconsetcursorpos dd      'con_set_cursor_pos',0
    align 4
    rb 2048 ; stack
  • aconsetcursorpos db icon_set_cursor_pos',0
  • In case you still didnt notice, you forgot the first ' and it looks like you typed a letter i instead
    (you typed icon_set_cursor_pos',0 instead of 'con_set_cursor_pos',0)
    Also, you typed dd (declare dwords) instead of db (declare bytes)

    If you used an editor with syntax hilighting, you'd notice (fasmw for example, if you are using windows)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • Ángel! somos 2 españoles interesados en estO? que gran noticia! Un saludo desde Pontevedra
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