KolibriOS HD Installer

Applications development, KoOS API questions
  • Isoveliseta
    Your English is really not so. You should at least use Google translate

    I doubt that anyone is willing to do so now. But can someone wants and then do it.

    But maybe you should take up this task itself?
    As the saying goes "Help themselves".
  • I have some ideas to do this, but I think that most users want graphical installer and this cannot be done in right way because there is now unified GUI toolkit. So I want first to create some libraries to do this in more simple and true way.
    And also there is another problem: there is no ways to put bootsector to the disk now, so installing of GRUB must be realized via itself.
    i dont know, how to jump from grub to kernel.mnt
    This isn't problem, if you have installed GRUB, that you should simply add such lines in grub.conf:

    Code: Select all

    title KolibriOS
    kernel <path_to_memdisk>/memdisk
    initrd <path_to_kolibri.img>/kolibri.img
    If you haveno memdisk in /usr/bin than you may use it from KolibriOS distribution or install package isolinux.
  • No, thats not what i meant. How about the idea, that there is no image at all. So that files would be like /hd0/1/kolibri/tinypad so there wouldnt need for ramdisk. Then, it would be quicker and it would remove sizelimit of 1,44 meg system.

    I could do installer, even gui, but i dont think there is any disk partioner for Kolibri, so it would be have be by us. And, even better would be, if there was our own bootloader for fat32, so we wouldt have to rely on GRUB...
  • Isoveliseta
    Ability to load without the IMG image has already been implemented. Unfortunately the authors did not have completed this development to a logical end.

    Yes you are right in Kolibri no such tools FDISK + FORMAT or PartitionMagic.
  • Mario wrote:Isoveliseta
    Ability to load without the IMG image has already been implemented. Unfortunately the authors did not have completed this development to a logical end.

    Yes you are right in Kolibri no such tools FDISK + FORMAT or PartitionMagic.
    Well perhaps we can continue from where they left?

    And for FDISK, perhaps FreeDos FDISK and FORMAT are portable, at least i think they are written in C. Or there may be fasm tool already for this purpose...
  • Isoveliseta
    But the topic at the Russian.
    And for FDISK, perhaps FreeDos FDISK and FORMAT are portable, at least i think they are written in C. Or there may be fasm tool already for this purpose..
    Ha, yes you are a great humorist. :lol:
  • Mario, "Unfortunately the authors did not have completed this development to a logical end." - IMHO, fortunately, i think.. I mean that I think that ramdisk is good idea, but it must be resizeable..
    И мы уже давно не пешки,
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    Война ютит бинарный код,
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  • Gluk
    It is best if both options.
  • Dosc or freedos as a console shell is a great idea, then us that are coders in that environment can implement our code to kolibri.
    I think i have the source for most of freedos, as they let you have it, search the freedos site. efdisk.exe is a partitioner that you should look at, MUCH better than fdisk, I have raneesh part magic but have never used it.
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