Where are all the english speaking people?

Post here questions, problems and suggestions in English language
  • Welcome to the forum, meridian_blue!
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • I am certainly an English speaking person, though I purchased a book called "take off in Russian" so I could better understand some of the content on here that doesn't translate perfectly.

    I tried the altavista babelfish thing, and it give me a good guess what the discussion is about. I also use translate.google.com, which seems a little better, and I keep this URL shortcut for viewing the active-topics in English:

    http://translate.google.com/translate?u ... l=ru&tl=en

    I watch the board every day to see all the progress being made, and to try to understand the current development direction, priorities, and challenges.

    I hope to someday be able to contribute to the project, but for now, I am definitely learning. Though, I did experiment with the code a bit and created a strip-down bootloader that got rid of all sorts of stuff I thought obsolete (like COM mouse, old low-res VGA stuff, etc), and have the OS booting into VMWare Player in 5 seconds flat - that shows how impressive and fast Kolibri is. Very cool OS guys!
  • You can always join #general on irc.kolibrios.org if you want to discuss things about kolibri.

    As for translation, i use www.translate.ru, the site is in russian, but you'll figure it out ;)
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • Just though I'd post here too even though I've started a thread somewhere else.

    I'm english and can't speak a word of Russian, but online translators generaly do the job for me.

    Makes me wonder if theres a way to add a language preference on forum software that automatically translates for you as you browse.
    Say when you post, you put in the language you are posting in and in the background, when you submit or edit the post it runs a translate to some other languages and adds them to the database too.
    Just a monday morning thought...

    I'm using kolibri mainly as a way to learn assembler and I'm planning on writing a little diary app to start off.
    I've had look at the calendar app source and I'll probably just add to that.

    I think first I will fix the english day translations, they are a little off and then try and add the translations to the buttons at the bottom that are simply in russian. I'd appreciate any help on this.
    At line 1119 in calendar.asm, what do these 4 data blocks say, I would cut and paste them, but virtual kolibri to windows doesn't really go and if I open the source in windows fasm, it just displays rubish text for the russian. Should I install russian language support on XP to see these properly and then I could translate them myself?

  • Those data blocks mean following
    sys_text: db 'системное время',0 -> 'system time'
    plus: db 'добавить(+)',0 -> 'increase(+)'
    minus: db 'убрать(-)',0 -> 'decrease(-)'
    setd: db 'Установить дату',0 -> 'set date'

    If you install russian language support, you should be able to see them, but remember that all russian text in Kolibri is is DOS (866) codepage (so Windows Notepad is unable to display it).
  • maaarcooose wrote:Should I install russian language support on XP to see these properly and then I could translate them myself?
    In font properties window, select a font wich has 'cyrilic' support (courier-new for example)
    dont forget to actually set it to cyrillic too ..
    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein
  • Generally I'm looking at them in windows fasm.

    Looks like I'll have to stop using fixedsys, my favorite font for coding.
    I've tried doing what you suggest with cyrilic support but it still displays incorrectlly. It seems to have half worked, but it's not completely correct. Seems to be showing some russin characters and some just random euro accented chars allong with some other extended ascii characters.

    I'd half guessed that was what the text said, but I'm just adding in an english version.

    Also, on the calendar, what is the 'New Style' button/link for? If I click it, it just seems to set the calendar to be 2 days out.

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