KolibriOS 0.8.x.x - последнее китайское

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  • Hi there,

    kolibri was released more than 8 years ago, 13 Dec 2009. I propose to release kolibri exactly ten years later, 13 Dec 2019. It's Friday.

    I don't expect any special activity from us, we are doing what we can. Fortunately, the autobuild by CleverMouse builds a full distro too. I personally see the release as a formal step: I don't really need it but why not if such an excellent occasion is coming?

    One question. We already have README.TXT which is actually AUTHORS.TXT file. However there is no Changelog. Do we need such a file? Are we able to maintain it?
  • I think we don't need this file as we already has SVN.

    And I am agree to create a new version.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Я не согласен, что номер версии должен меняться только лишь из-за того, что прошлая
    dunkaist wrote:was released more than 8 years ago
    Ранее я высказывал своё мнение тут http://board.kolibrios.org/viewtopic.ph ... 783#p66783
    В качестве примеров:
  • Hi folks,

    I just created What's New page on our wiki. That is the list of changes since, with some fixme's.
    I looked through every single commit message since r1319 but some messages are not informative and sometimes I just don't understand them.

    Checklist for you:
    • All your changes are mentioned
    • You are okay with wording
    • You are okay with the document structure
    • You don't see any mistakes
    I decided to put the document on the wiki first, feel free to comment and send diffs in this topic if you are uncomfortable about wiki. I will commit the document when massive changes are over.

    If you are the person who can write about Serge's changes in the kernel -- do it.

    Leency, I didn't write description for your programs. I hope you will help me with these, thank you.

    May be applications should be grouped by category? Sorted alphabetically?
    WHATSNEW.TXT (16.49 KiB)
    Downloaded 300 times
  • Correct wiki or a text file?
    to infinity and beyond
  • Wiki if you can, the file otherwise.
  • dunkaist
    Did you use the changes of
    KolibriN9 https://web.archive.org/web/20160325044 ... org/review
    KolibriN10 http://kolibri-n.org/review
    Из хаоса в космос
  • Leency,
    no, I read only commit messages.

    Should we spell all the program names in upper case?
  • dunkaist wrote:Should we spell all the program names in upper case?
    I think this is not really necessary.
    Из хаоса в космос
  • dunkaist wrote:На вкус и цвет. Я против удаления FindNumbers. Она оправдывает свои 1187 байт.

    Раньше ещё такие таблички в журналах печатали. Прикольно было.
    Спустя 8 лет узнаешь что FindNumbers написана на С--.
    Нучтож, после оптимизаций она уже оправдывает 1016 байт :D
    Из хаоса в космос
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